Wholesome Moment 5

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Soviet & America

Mama Soviet: -sees dad mess with his gun- what you doing oteu?

America: -cleaning his gun- I'm cleaning my shotgun i got some new ammo for it. Wanna see?

Mama Soviet: sure I don't mind -walks in and sits down-

America: -shows red colored shotgun shells- I got some dragon fire shells this and they are .12 gauges

Mama Soviet: niiice~

America: they were about 100 something dollars

Afghanistan: -sees soviet and america- what you talking bout?

America: showing soviet the new things for my shotgun

Afghanistan: oh yeah, wait do you shoot?

Mama Soviet: DA! I Shot your military issued 1911 remember, the long barreled Luger w a scope, and the revolver in the back of cuba's [rip] backyard.

Afghanistan: oh yeah thats right it was you and Spain

Mama Soviet: yeah France didn't want to go shooting.

America: wait you can shoot? O.o

Mama Soviet: da oteu, and im a damn good shot

Afghanistan: no kidding she nailed a bird 100ft away and Mama Pr was impressed.

America: we gotta go to the shooting range soon.

Afghanistan: it would be awesome! *u*

Mama Soviet: it would be nice to fire an AR again. Also Afghanistan...you are officially adopted...went from school bully to adopted yay...i have a brother.

Afghanistan: yay now I can mess with you some more hahah

Mama Soviet: ugh...we are the same age nitwit

Afghanistan: yea..i mean yea...but still older by a year -u-

America: well you wanted a brother soviet...

Mama Soviet: not him!

Afghanistan: hahaha!

Mama Soviet: ugh...well I guess I make due then

Afghanistan: yeah you stuck with me.

Mama Soviet: thank you for reminding me...-sarcasm-

Afghanistan: your welcome~ -walks away to bother his ex wife, France-

America: but no I would like to see you shoot if thats ok?

Mama Soviet: of course oteu.

My dad is known as America in my book seeing that our country is 248yrs old while Ussr is around 102 making him older feels appropriate. He is very patriotic and loves his politics. Afghanistan is a new one, this is my ex BIL, he was married to France but shit happened and they separated.

However this is complicated as he is seen my adopted brother now because he has no family...his mother and father both died when he was little and his grandmother passed too. He's been apart of the family for so long we decided to just...take him in. Which I'm not surprised, I've known him since 1st grade to the present. He's a good guy for the most part. So there will be parts in the book where I am talking to my irl family on top of my Rp ones which I introduce more.

For now heres the country names:

Irl family: Spain, madre puerto rico, father America, me, Afghanistan, France and England  (France's husband), Third Reich (my husband),  east germany (my daughter)

Rp family: Me, Texas, slovenia, UAE, Philly (Philippines),Third Reich, naja (my irl daughter)

A day in the life of Mama Soviet & Papa ReichWhere stories live. Discover now