🏳️‍🌈 Pride month 🏳️‍🌈

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You can see who's what in the Rp family wise and IRL.
Rp Fam:

Mama Soviet: happy pride month darlings...I'm not really celebratory of this cause it's more than my personality but for the book let's state what we are. I'll go first. Demi-hetero, meaning im demisexual and straight

Papa Reich: heterosexual, but I support and love my wife -purrs and clings to mama-

Slovenia: im bi-gender and poly! Been for a long time and my husband is a transitioning trans woman & poly

Philly: Bi-sexual. I don't mind and I'm not really picky. Im the one helped mama soviet find out what she really was..

Texas: heterosexual, but happy pride month to the others.

UAE: im pansexual! I love everyone and not really picky either you can be anything and I'll accept you as you are. :)

Irl Family:

Lady Keltic: heterosexual.

Mama PR: heterosexual not really into this sort of thing.

Spain: Heterosexual [went through a bi phase], but im an ally!

France: Heterosexual, I'm also an ally been to a couple of pride parades with my gay best friend.

Father America: Heterosexual.

Britain: most of us in mama soviet's family are straight. So hetero but some of us are also ally's too.

Afghanistan: definitely straight.

Mexico: hetero.

NONE of my irl family members know what I am and tend to keep it that way cause even if they are allies...I do still have the ones that are ignorant.

I would add East Germany but she don't know cause shes more focused on "being a kid over what she likes" (her words) nor do I heavily influence her with anything.

Me and papa Reich have expressed that if she chooses to be apart of the LGBTQ+ or not when shes older we will support it openly.

With that being said



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