Venting Session (7)

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Copy and Paste from Father Nazi Germany: 

"so you nosey bitches are mad that ussr had a chat with her two sisters and they called you out for your bullshit hm? Since when do you dictate what people can or can not vent about in their books? You purposely put in your book what someone planned on doing to hurt my daughter and then said 'It ain't your problem' Listen here it is YOUR problem. But that's right none of you have the balls to tell that person to leave Mama and Naja alone, keep it's [I will not call them by their pronouns cause I don't care enough to] shitty gifts, and burn them for all we care. You let him try to hurt my naja and my sowjet. And as for Kaz spying little bitch, I READ that chapter and momma wasn't even speaking poorly on Germany, she favored him over you three. France called you ratchet Pennsylvanian hoes, and Spain mentioned the Asian part,  NOT MAMA YOU STUPID SWINE! She was speaking of you... Aussie...and Meri. You are just upset 'cause she let you go but none of you know why you just assume she was being a bitch...when she did it to not to come between you all. But frankly, you think what you want. Ussr was minding her own just writing down what her sisters said, I was speaking to her brother-in-law and brother on the phone. But just cause you don't like she was explaining what chapters in her book were about you FUCKERS you get a hair up your ass and think it's okay to make a lie? NO WONDER YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH AUSSIE NOTHING BUT DRAMA-MAKING MAGGOTS! And since that kid wants to be Germany...ill make him bleed like Weimer Republic than. No skin off my back. This is mine and ussr's book, not yours and I will let her continue to post what the fuck she wants you don't like your skeletons out in public then don't do sketchy shit!"

 This is mine and ussr's book, not yours and I will let her continue to post what the fuck she wants you don't like your skeletons out in public then don't do sketchy shit!"

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