Phillie's Birthday coming up

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This is for my darling Ototo (little brother in Filipino)

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This is for my darling Ototo (little brother in Filipino).

A little history lesson between me and him:

We met when he was 12 and I was 18. I returned from a rping 2yrs hiatus to help join my girl baby sis who is in my book and is known as Spain. She wanted someone to rp with her and felt comfortable with me since she knew I would keep an eye on her. She had phillie as a brother before me but since she considered me as her sister in RP so did he. From there, I have witnessed him grow and change as a person from the time he was young.

I saved him from heartache, a-b-u-s-e, etc etc, he knew what family meant from how I treated him. And as brother and sister, we had our disagreements...and a few times we ended up separating from each other cause we were connected at the hip [metaphorically]. During those times we were separated it was hard not to miss the other one. So when we reconnected again, we apologized and made promises to not let the other one be alone. Since then, he has been there from the birth of my daughter to now seeing her grow.

We call when we can, play games, gossip, and chill. He streams on Twitch as KurokamiDeri give him a follow and watch his streams [yes a plug-in lol he deserves it]. From him, I was learning to be more open with what was wrong with me cause if I didn't speak he would make me. He was also the one who kind of helped me find out what I was for sexual orientation. He figured out before me that I was Demisexual. And through him, I was finding I was slowly beginning to accept it cause I was so terrified of it and the judgment but soon I said "screw it" and just accepted. And he was so happy I did.

We still get on each other's cases after all these years if we don't take care of each other. From sleep, sickness, mental health, venting, eating, etc etc. But we do it out of care. He is one of the longest-running online friends I've known and there isn't a day I am not eternally grateful for his presence in my life. Cause without him there would have been times I would've done something stupid and he knows this. So he's more than a friend, he is my little annoying brother who is my permanent family. We are the Taurus siblings after all. 

So with that...

Happy Birthday my darling Ototo, you are one of the greatest siblings I could ask for, one of the best uncles to my daughter, and the best friend I have ever had in my lifetime!

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