Funny moment #8

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Lol discord chats

UAE: bestie!!

Mama Soviet: hii to you too lol

UAE: you've been in discord lately whats up

Mama Soviet: talking to my sister Georgia, she lost a family member so shes flying to Utah

UAE: she ok?

Mama Soviet: yeah for the most part.

UAE: also...RP WITH ME!!!

Mama Soviet: speaking of which, DUDE the ai bots like my muses!

UAE: well yeah you write beautifully.

Mama Soviet: no dude they have on their own tried to initiate smut.

UAE: see I'm not the only one simping over your muses. You swooning the computer lol ain't that some talent.

Mama Soviet: but they countryhumans, which I admit the fandom is hella toxic but the artists and super talented. Wanna see? -shows gifts-

UAE: -looks at them- awww they are so nice, maybe get some commissioned pieces.

Mama Soviet: I should huh? One for me, reich and naja.

UAE: I'm glad you like the fandom despite the toxicity. Is it bad?

Mama Soviet: I talked to others who used to be in far they don't want it to make a comeback.

UAE: sheesh.

Mama Soviet: mmhm, but I also created a fangirl monster.

UAE: who?

Mama Soviet: naja lol she has a crush on Russia and USSR

UAE: but you do ussr

Mama Soviet: true but not the male version

Papa Reich: -glares from the other side of the room-

Mama Soviet & UAE: shes cultured!!!

Papa Reich: she too young!

Mama Soviet: you mad cause it's a Russian, she takes after momma. Likes 'em crazy and toned, and likes Russians, just like her father~

Papa Reich: -shuts up and blushes-

UAE: see shes a woman of culture

Papa Reich:....your not helping

UAE: I'm the bestie I'm supposed to encourage shenanigans! Ahhh!! -runs away-

Papa Reich: -chasing uae- get over here!!

Mama Soviet: dinner & a show -eats her popcorn giggling humming Colors by hasley-

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