Wholesome Moment 6

17 1 0

The twins (fraternal)

Mama Soviet: hey sis

Georgia: hey you ok?

Mama Soviet: eh not really been doing my countryhuman thing and trying to lose my headache

Georgia: can I update mine?

Mama Soviet: sure what country you like?

Georgia: hmm germany.

Mama Soviet: lol like your niece

Georgia: crud ok well one of my characters is based off a flower

Mama Soviet: where is the flower located?

Georgia: -sends info-

Mama Soviet: le gasp! We can match! You can use slovenia!

Georgia: Yes!! I love it!!! -rebrands herself-

Mama Soviet: we match!

Slovenia: we match, i made it my discord pfp too!

Mama Soviet: oh shit you did! We match on fb and discord!!

-both bounce happily-

Slovenia: this is so fun!

Mama soviet: i know!

A day in the life of Mama Soviet & Papa ReichWhere stories live. Discover now