Chapter 35

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The words that Jake had just let out echoed through Sunoo's head. Sunoo could feel Jake weaken even more, falling further into the hug. Sunoo rubbed his friend's back, trying to soothe him. But, much to Sunoo's dismay, the crying only got louder. It was obvious that Jake was struggling. 

"What's wrong?" Sunoo asked, keeping his voice down to a whisper. 

Jake didn't speak. He thought about whether he should just reveal everything to Sunoo in this moment. But he decided against it. He didn't want anyone else to know why he was this distraught. He hugged Sunoo tighter, letting his tears fall. 

"You don't want to talk about it, Jakey?" Sunoo asked again, this time a little louder. 

"I just feel like everyone is going against me right now. Sunghoon and Jungwon were...." Jake paused, trying to pick his words. "I don't know, Sunoo, I don't know what's going on with me." 

"That's okay! Just blurt it all out. Sometimes that helps," Sunoo reassured. 

"I just feel like....." Jake took another long pause. "Sunghoon and Jungwon don't get what I'm saying. They think I'm joking when I'm being serious. And it feels suffocating knowing that my so called 'bestfriends' can't even seem to take me seriously," Jake's voice broke slightly. 

"Maybe you just need a change of scenery," Sunoo suggested. 

Jake loosened the hug, now looking at Sunoo. His eyes were red from the crying and his tears had slowly dried up onto his face. Sunoo was quick to notice. 

"Your eyes look bloodshot, why don't you go get some rest?" Sunoo encouraged, as he grabbed Jake's arm. "You can take my room for tonight."

Sunoo turned around, still holding onto Jake's arm. Sunoo led the two of them into Sunoo's room. He quickly fixed his bed, pulling the sheets and plumping up the pillows. He gestured for Jake to sit down on the bed. He then walked over to his closet, pulling out a fresh set of clothes for Jake. 

"You sure?" Jake asked, wanting to double check that Sunoo was alright with giving up his bed for the night. 

"I'm one hundred per cent sure. I'll be in y/n's room if you need me. Good night!" Sunoo walked out of his room, shutting the door behind him. 

But Jake's mind wasn't focused on any of that. Sunoo had mentioned your name. And it triggered Jake's mind. He didn't know how much longer he could bear this. Either he had to tell you. Or.....he had to forget it forever. 


You woke up to the sound of feet shuffling in your room. The sunlight was beaming through the window, which was uncommon. You usually never left your curtains open, so the sun wouldn't shine through the window in the morning. You rubbed your eyes, trying to wake yourself up. 

"Morning," You heard Sunoo say. He was twisting the lid of a hand cream open while standing in front of a small mirror in your room. 

"Good morning," you responded, voice still sounding asleep. "What are you doing in here?" 

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