7: The Votarist, Menace

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Original Chapters: 24~25
7: The Votarist, Menace



By that, Ciel meant trespassing on private property to gather information. Meeting the little earl's expectations, the assistant butler laughed. "I do not mind doing such a thing as long as you order it, young master. You have taken responsibility of me, so I must also take responsibility of you."

"... I have told you many times, don't say such phrases that are easily misunderstood!"

The first time Ravi did that, he genuinely didn't know what was wrong with the phrase. At present, the votarist knew what they meant yet he still used them to tease this little earl who was too serious for his own good. The assistant butler chuckled at Ciel's red face.

"Then, shall I say those words to Sir Sebastian instead? He is, after all, your so-called right-hand man. Telling those words to him is an indirect way of saying them to you, correct?"

Ciel rolled his eyes, aware that this fool was messing with him again. "Hurry and fix yourself up. Don't dirty the Phantomhive name with that messy appearance of yours."

"It's just flour and an almost invisible stain but the young master has said so, so do please wait until I finish changing."

Ciel scoffed and rolled his eyes.

The nerve of this servant to make fun of his master.






Cracks crawled on the wall of this rundown funeraria. Ravi gazed at it with dubiousness, wondering if the owner still ran this business despite such a building filled with hazards. As if one strong breeze could easily blow away the shingles on the roof. The gutter appeared to have holes in them. Spiderwebs became exterior decorations.

Only a wornout door of many years served as a fenestration, not a single window in sight. Ravi was afraid that this little building would collapse at its own weight so he couldn't stop himself from glancing at Sebastian in concern. "Sir Sebastian, this... mortuary, is it even safe for the young master to enter? It won't cave in, will it? The funeraria looks as if it hasn't been maintained for many years."

"That sounds about right," Ciel answered instead. "The Undertaker probably finds it too troublesome and leaves it be. If it collapses, he'll simply move to another building. That's all there is to it."

"But what if it caves in while visitors are inside? Isn't it better to move soon instead of waiting for the building to collapse? This... Undertaker is a little irresponsible, isn't he?"

Ciel raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. It still baffled him whenever he heard Ravi speak in kindness, especially when this man loved teasing him any chance he gets. "That's Undertaker for you. Now, come, let's meet this irresponsible man you speak of."

Sebastian took the lead, opening the door.

Coffins in every position were the first things to be seen. Some were standing, others lying on its side, and some laid down like normal coffins on the ground. Lit candles haphazardly placed on the floor. As if the one who put them down had no mind of being organized.

There were a lot of shelves as well, containing all shapes of jars and beakers. There were even sotobas lying around like unwanted decorations in the room.

"I bid yeeeeeee weeeeelcome, lord earl..." From behind, a skull rolled on the floor, knocking down several small stone tablets. "Does your lordship finally feel like stepping into the coffin that I've made specially for youuuuu, hmm?" A tall lean man with long gray hair stood at the back, a jagged scar running across his neck.

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