8: The Votarist, Teasing

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Original Chapter: 25
8: The Votarist, Teasing
Alt. Title: the foolish little earl



Dagger marched out of the tent with a huff. What was that man in a tailcoat think he was doing, touching Beast as if it were normal?! The young man tried to find a target to throw his knives, just to let out some steam. It was during his search that he stumbled upon Snake and his friends, as well as-

-as well as a stranger who stunned Dagger in place with a single smile.





What was it about the votarist that Ciel didn't order Sebastian to get rid of him?

Is it because Ravi Sinclaire is a great actor who can fool even the likes of Sebastian?

Or is it because Ravi Sinclaire is a breath of fresh air in Great Britain's murky waters?

Of course, it is neither of those reasons.

Ciel didn't completely reject Ravi's suggestion to work as a butler because this votarist held a charm that could seduce an entire town. No one would question his actions, even if others would find it abnormal if any other person did it other than Ravi.

The little earl deduced that if Ravi Sinclaire murders someone, even if the evidence slaps their faces, no one would accuse him of such atrocity.


Sebastian Michaelis left the first-aid tent, already securing a reliable way of infiltrating the troupe. He looked around, searching for a certain votarist and found him wrapped in... snakes. A whole bunch of them. The butler massaged his temple as Ravi's laughter rang in the background.

"Sir Ravi," he called out in defeat. "What exactly are you doing right now?"

"Playing with these children, of course. They're quite energetic, slithering nonstop around me." A snake head popped out from Ravi's collar, rubbing its head on the votarist's cheek. "However, it looks like you've finished getting your wounds checked? Shall we head back, lest our young master throws a fit for taking too long."

The snakes hissed together, expressing their disagreement.

Snake, embarrassed at the side, fiddled with his fingers. "'Stay and play with us more.' Says everyone."

Ravi smiled and urged everyone to get off him. "We'll meet again, that I'm sure of, so there's no need to throw tantrums."

The snakes all hissed at the same time. If an ordinary person was present, they would have been frightened by the sound.

This pair of devilish and angelic butlers left the scene and found the carriage where the little earl helped himself. The curtain was pulled open, revealing Ciel's frown before Ravi could even open the door.

"You two drive the carriage. I don't want to see either of your faces right now." Then, the little grumpy earl drew the curtains close.

Sebastian and Ravi shared a glance before the head butler climbed onto the driver's seat. Once he made himself comfortable, he reached out a hand to his assistant. "Shall we have some idle chat on the way back, Sir Ravi?" The devilish butler's smile turned deeper when the votarist took his hand.

The demon supported the other up to the driver's seat, and grabbed the reins. The carriage started with a jolt before smoothly moving forward. The night air was cold and moist. Because of this, Devanshu's skin had a touch of redness, lips a little pale and trembling.

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