13: The Votarist, Obscure

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Original Chapters: 38~39
13: The Votarist, Obscure

"Oh, dear Sir Sebastian," Ravi leaned against the devil's embrace. "How shall I be punished?" Devanshu smiled, but this time, it had a hint of inviting danger. "Won't you show me, in my room?"

Ravi's eyes gleamed gold in the dark, meeting the rubies staring at him from behind. "Right. Now?"



WARNING: Smut ahead



Slender fingers brush through dark strings of hair. They move slowly and leave behind fleeting touches, as if teasing the owner. Once they reach the end, they grab a handful of dark hair and pull them back.

A deep groan echoes in the dark room and a chuckle follows after.

"My dear Ravi, were you this harsh on that human?" Gleaming ruby eyes narrow at the divine in front of him.

"Not at all," a teasing light flashes in those vivid golden eyes. "He was much more delicate than you. How could I bear to be rough on him? Sir Sebastian, on the other hand..." The votarist trails off, laughing under his breath.

"I believe I can be... a 'bit' more rough on you."

A hand pushes Ravi's shoulder, forcefully pinning the votarist against the wall. Now that their position reverses, Sebastian removes Devanshu's hand from his hair. Instead, the devil pinches the other's chin, pulling Ravi close until the tip of their lips touches.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. My Ravi, your words wound me. How can you give your tenderness to a mere human instead of giving it to me?"

"Why must I—" Devanshu encircles his arms around the devil's firm waist, pulling it close until their hips touch. "—when devils should be... how should I put it... devils are too insatiable of a creature. If I shower you with tenderness, then you will only crave for more."

The votarist clicks his tongue, the sound softly bouncing off the walls. "What if you keep coming back for more? You see, I would be troubled. A divine and a devil philandering with this much ease; do you not think how blasphemous that sounds, Sir Sebastian?"

The devil laughs, nuzzling his nose against Devanshu's. "Why must a devil worry about being lustful? Having the opportunity to taste a demi-god's soul is not something any devil could achieve." Cold lips meet warm ones. Briefly. So fleetingly, like a butterfly's wings fluttering against one's skin.

That familiar, tantalizing taste makes Sebastian's mouth water with desire. It invades his senses, filling his mind with Ravi's succulent flavor. It is different from the young master's soul, which is filled with darkness. As one would expect, Ravi's soul tastes out of this world.

Even though it burns Sebastian's tongue and throat, the pleasure of having a nibble of this rare, pure soul is worth the discomfort.

A human who joins the divine ranks can do no wrong. Hence, Ravi's soul shall always be this taste.

But it does make the devil wonder.

If Ravi has been alive for thousands of years, why has Sebastian never heard of him? Even if Sebastian has only been a devil for a few centuries, that long of a time must have been enough to catch a piece of gossip about a demi-god who walks among the ranks of humans.

Yet, no one has ever heard of Ravi.

The mystery surrounding Devanshu only makes Sebastian's lust grow.

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