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Alastor clutched his damaged chest, "God.. fucking... damnit...", he panted, tightly wrapping bandages around the ever bleeding wound.

He hissed in pain as he put back on his suit jacket. He took a few deep breaths, muttering "you're fine.." to himself repeatedly. He kept that large grin on his face, and made sure he looked normal before appearing in front of all the other residents of the Hazbin Hotel.

"And we're doing it with a smile~!" He sang, pointing to the corners of his mouth for emphasis.

"Al!" Angel, Charlie, Cherri, and surprisingly, Vaggie shouted.

"Sir!" Niffty hugged Alastor's legs.

Husk glared.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Oh, this guy."

The princess of hell wrapped her arms around the radio demon, which he winced at a slight bit, and proceeded to bombarded him with questions, "Al! Where were you?! We were so worried! Are you okay?! You're not hurt, are you?"

"I do apologize for worrying you, dear, but I am fine. No need to worry your pretty little head anymore, darling!" he pat the top of her head a couple times, "Now, where's that smile?"

Charlie giggled and smiled, still holding onto Alastor like he would disappear again.

"There it is!" Alastor chuckled, ruffling the blonde's hair once again.

Lucifer watched the interaction, they looked like... a father and daughter. Lucifer shook his head, pushing those thoughts away.

"Well, as much as it was lovely to talk to you, darling, I don't want all the cannibals to eat every corpse before I've had my fill! I must be off now." Alastor said, patting Charlie's back, who took that as her cue to let go of him.

"Oh... Okay. Stay safe!" she waved, watching him fade into the shadows.

Al sighed and flopped onto his bed. No, he didn't go to Cannibal Town, he didn't need the biggest gossiper in hell to know he was hurt, even though he could really go for an angelic delicacy, and Rosie is amazing and all, but sometimes she just can't stop herself from letting other peoples secrets spill.

He snapped, creating a fire in his fireplace. He made his way over to the chair in front of said fireplace, but not before grabbing a roll of gauze and a pack of cigarettes.

Alastor took off his suit jacket and shirt, folded them nicely, and set them on the floor. He threw away the old bloodied bandages that were once wrapped around his torso and rewrapped it in new medical supplies.

He stared at his body for a moment, his eyes darting to every imperfection and scar, and damn was that a lot of scars. He sighed and continued bandaging himself.

He used a safety pin to make sure it would stay and wouldn't be seen underneath his clothes and was about to grab a cigarette, only to hear the door of his room creaking open. He threw the pack of cigs under his bed.

"Not knocking is considered impolite, you know. I thought the king of hell would know that." the deer said without even looking at him, he recognized the sound of those heels and everyone else would either be nice enough to knock or has learned their lesson when they didn't.

"Yeah, well it's also not polite to lie, y'know." The king shot back, closing the door behind him.

"Lie? Do tell, what do you suppose I've lied about?" Alastor turned to finally looking over at the king.

"I mean, those bandages don't say that your fine."

Alastor subconsciously looked down at his stomach, his smile tight as he looked at himself. He shook his head and looked back at the fallen angel, "Charlie has too much to worry about already, she doesn't need to fret about me as well. The little dear stresses enough without all the angel bullshit that just happened."

"Welllll... I could heal it." Lucifer put one hand on his hip absentmindedly, leaning onto one leg.

Alastor raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing, "And what do you want in return?"

"Uh..." Lucifer looked down at the floor, he wasn't expecting that question. "Protect Charlie, I guess?"

'I already have a deal to do that,' Alastor thought. He nodded, "Fair enough. But, other than healing, can I get another thing in return as well?"

"Wha- you're already—" Lucifer sighed, "It depends, and you can't have my soul, and I won't hurt anyone for you."

"Heavens no! Not anything like that, I was wondering, as you are a fallen angel, you could, possibly... create a photograph of someone in heaven?"

"A photo-? I mean, yeah, sure. Of who, though?"

"...Her name was Amiyah. Amiyah Hartfelt."

Lucifer snorted, "What, did your little girlfriend get into heaven without you?"

Alastor gagged, "Hell no, dating was rarely in my cards when I was alive."

"Well, it's not my business anyway. It's a deal, then?" Lucifer chuckled, holding out his hand.

Alastor's smile widened and he stood up, stretching his hand out as well, a green glow emitting from his hand, "It is."

Their hands met with a firm grasp and a swift shake, the red flames that engulfed Lucifers hand swirling with the green smoke emitting from Alastor. Lucifers horns grew, his wings protruding from his back and his tail whipping out. Alastor's antlers grew, his eyes turning to green radio dials, and... stitches appearing on his mouth? Concerning, but we'll worry about that later, and Lucifer didn't see it, his eyes closing to shield him from the intense lighting.

The green and red created a flash of light through the whole hotel, alerting all of the residents.

Once the two let go, Lucifer poked Alastor's wound, "Boop!"

But surprisingly, Alastor didn't feel any pain. He removed the bandages to see a large scar that blended well with all the other scars. "...It was that fucking easy?"

Lucifer smiled, "It was. Now, what was this person's name again? The one you wanted a picture of?"

"Ah, yes! Amiyah, Amiyah Hartfelt. Preferably one of when she was alive."

The king of hell snapped, a small stack of pictures appearing in his hand, "Well, take your pick—... woah." He looked at the photo, his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

— — — — — — — — —
1036 words.


Edit: I have fixed Al's last name, bc it's not Altruist it's Hartfelt. Thank you to the comments who told me that 😌

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