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TW? : referenced/implied time-period racism

"I'm sorry, what about heaven?" Lucifer asked, recovering from the confusion but only slightly.

"Cursed showed you the thread, we can't say much." Alastor's microphone responded, "Especially not around..." It's eye shifted to Lilith, "mixed company."

"Man, you, Cursed, the shadow, and Alastor all got some weird ways of answering and dodging questions."

"We like riddles!"

"OKAY, EVERYONE!" Charlie cut off everything happening around her, "It's 3:00!"

Angel huffed, putting his phone in his chest fluff for safe keeping and prying his aggressively average body off of his designated couch, plopping himself onto the floor in front of it.

Husk muttered some sort of a curse, immediately grabbed a random bottle of alcohol, popped the cork off, downed most of its contents, and then moved to sit on the floor next to the slutty spider. Can't be sober for the 3:00 ones.

Vaggie and Charlie sat next to each other on the floor, Charlie at the front of the circle and Vaggie on her left.

Lucifer hurriedly scurried to set himself down to the right of his precious daughter.

Cherri handed her phone to Angel for him to keep track of as well as sitting on the spider sinner's right.

Alastor sighed, letting Niffty stab the cockroach she's been chasing around for a full fifteen minutes before picking her off of the ground, setting the small maid on the floor gently next to his armchair. He took his seat, posture perfect as he leaned his microphone against the arm of the furniture and Cursed perched himself on one arm of it.

Lilith momentarily looked around quite confused, until Adam exasperatedly told her to just get in the circle, you don't have a fucking choice.

Adam threw himself onto one of the couches, manspreading and having absolutely horrific posture it was almost a pain to look at.

Lilith found a spot in-between Cherri and Vaggie.

"Okay!" Charlie started, "First of all, good work on the circle formation so quickly everyone!"

"shoulda brought more alcohol..." Husk muttered.

"Today we're going to be saying you enjoyed doing when you were alive or something you enjoy doing here in hell! Basically just share a hobby of yours." The princess explained, "I'll start! I love hanging out with you guys and I like to draw!"

Vaggie smiled nervously, "I like to help out with this hotel?"

"Uhm," Lilith started hesitantly as she's never participated in one of these activities before smiling softly, "I enjoy spending time with my family."

Multiple people around the room raised an eyebrow.

Angel raised one of his hands, "Hey, no offense, your majesty, but, uh..."

"If you like spendin' time with your family, why'd you leave 'em for seven years?" Husk finished for him.

"I-" Lilith was quite astonished, how dare these sinners be so rude to their queen? "I was off doing very important business."

"You would think I'd hear of the queen walkin' 'round then," Husk was not letting this go.

"Business in the other rings."

"But hellborn walk in Pride too, they'd be spreadin' word quick."

"I keep my work discreet."

"No ya don't? Last I checked your favorite thing was being the center of attention."

"What a rude thing to say to your queen! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"Not really."


"OOOOOOKAY!!" Charlie interrupted, "Let's not fight, thank you! Now, Cherri! It's your turn."

"Uh, right," the sinner in question looked between Husk and Lilith before speaking, "I like to hang out with Angie, I guess. Since, uh, fuckin' shit up isn't really 'redemption' style."

"My turn, eh? Well, I love to suck—" Angel started,

"Legs, I swear to fuck, not again." Husk interjected,

"Popsicles! And when I was alive, I 'spose shootin' bitches was a hobby." The spider finished, flicking his boyfriends fuzzy forehead.

The winged cat sighed, "Used to like gamblin', now I just lie behind a counter gettin' drunk all day."

"Personally, I enjoy my radio broadcast! When I was alive however... I believe writing and drawing adds a hobby of mine." Alastor spoke, a large smile on his face.

"That's... actually really tame, I thought it'd be murder an' cannibalism or somethin'." Angel commented, with Cherri nodding in agreement.

"Oh, no, I never ate anyone when I was alive! Well there was one person, but that was a desperate situation... Murder was fun though, I do admit to the murder." The radio demon explained, before turning to the always moving bug sinner next to him, "What about you, Niffty, dear?"

"CLEAN!" Niffty exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air excitedly.

Alastor chuckled, "That's a hobby she carried into death. The doll used to randomly crawl through my window and clean my entire home! Was even able to get the bloodstains out of everything! Truly a gem."

"I wouldn't have to go through the window if you didn't keep your door locked all the time!" Niffty huffed, crossing her arms.

"Well, the police didn't exactly like me, dear, who knows when they would've tried to search my abode!" Al leaned his head onto his hand.

"Why would they do that though? I thought you were always super careful with your work?"

Alastor hesitated, "...I don't think I know how to explain that to you, so I believe it is Adam's turn."

"...Right, not even gonna ask whatever that convo was," Adam side-eyed Niffty, "But I like playing my guitar! These activities are fuckin' stupid though."

"Don't insult the bonding activity, it just means we'll have more of them," Lucifer chuckled, "I like painting and creating things!"

Charlie was positively beaming, "Good job, everyone!! I'd say this was quite a productive circle, and no one got in a fist fight this time! So thank you for not fighting, Angel and Husk,"

The spider and the cat gave each other a soft, love filled smile, "Whateva makes ya happy, Char." Angel replied.

"And thank you for not fighting, Alastor and Dad."

Lucifer and Alastor exchanged a glance, Alastor looked a bit hesitant and hurt while Lucifer's eyes held desperation and longing, a rooted sadness in them.

Alastor broke the eye contact, choosing to wring his hands together and stare at the floor instead. Lucifer sighed, muttering a small, "god damnit..." and look at his shoes.

Lucifer ran a hand through his hair, turning to look at Charlie with a smile, "Yeah, anything for you, honey."

— — — — — — — — —
1093 words.

thinking of putting this on hiatus for a while ngl

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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