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new cover pic :P
busted out my shitty handwriting for that one

Lucifer sighed, picking himself up off the floor. He needed to find Alastor.

He said he needed a drink or something, right? He's probably in or around the lobby!

The king snapped, teleporting to the destination in mind. Looking around, he spotted the redheaded deer as well as Cursed perched on the bar counter next to Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb.

"Alastor?" He called timidly, walking up next to the radio demon. He didn't seem to notice the way Al's shadow narrowed it's eyes or how Cursed side eyed him.

With a suppressed sigh, Alastor turned to look at the fallen angel, "Yes, Lucifer?"

"I was wondering if we could talk? Uhm, privately, if that's alright." Luci played with his fingers nervously, bouncing from heel to toe in place and looking at the ground.

The deer saw Lilith's eyes shift to his direction, a hellish anger swirling in the glare she gave him. He quickly gave his attention back to Lucifer, "No thank you, I apologize, but I'd rather not."

The ex-angel simply nodded. Al watched Lilith stop glaring at him and continue her conversation with Adam. The king spoke up again, "Uh, do you mind if I join you?"

"I suppose not. Come along then." The overlord pat the bar stool next to him as a little invitation.

"Right, thank you," Lucifer nodded once again, taking the seat offered to him. He didn't see Alastor's shadow inching closer or Cursed snapping his head around.

The hotelier allowed himself to be absorbed into the conversation between the bartender, pornstar, and one of the various residents, giving his little comments here and there.

Noticing his owner wasn't paying attention, Cursed stood up and turned the rest of his body around, prancing his way over to the spaced out blonde.

Cursed plopped himself onto the area in front of Lucifer, tapping the bar with his claws to get the ex-angels attention.

"Hm? Oh, hello! You're Cursed, right? Wait you can't talk, that's-"

"Yeah, that's ma' name. Don't wear it out." The cursed cat interrupted.

Luci frog blinked. "...Forgot about that."

"Thought so."

"Did you- did you need something?"

"Yeah actually; what the fuck is you doin', lil bro?"

Lucifer didn't say anything, but his look of confusion spoke volumes.

"Ah, right, ya stupid." Cursed sighed, looking down at the bar counter, "This whole... sitch', I guess. Like, I thought you an' boss was a good couple. Cute together. Ya made him happy. Honestly, I think ya still do."

The king of hell seemed to light up at that, looking like he was about to speak, but Cursed spoke instead, "I just- I'm confused."

Cursed looked back up Lucifer, and he wasn't cross-eyed. "You two made each other happy, both of yous were healing. But then she showed up. Even then, why'd you do it? You coulda jus' greeted her an' shit. Y'know, be normal."


"And shadow's gettin' angrier by the second, Niffty's startin' to get worried, Husk's been concerned for a bit, and... and it's gettin' hard to breath."


Green thread appeared on Cursed's smile and he shook his head, "Can't tell. But we're runnin' outta time and your baby mama ain't helpin', 'specially when everyone seems fond of her."

"Who- you mean Lilith? What does she have to do with anything?"

"I meant it when I said you was stupid. Again, I can't tell, that deal's pretty much fool proof. Jus'... Jus' watch out. Both for your sake and these sinners. Pay attention to the little things, the silent conversations, the slight shifts, the lies, the hesitation. It just might save ya one day."


"Oh, and by the way, shadow don't like you anymore." With that vague warning, Cursed took one last look at the king before walking off, his eyes going back to normal.

Lucifer just stared at the now empty spot the cat sat in for a moment, "what the fuck just happened?" he muttered to himself.

"You got a warning." whispered Alastor's microphone.

"Why can all of you talk-!? Whatever. I didn't understand it, though."

"I figured you wouldn't, but it's better if it's vague than if everyone here dies and we could have changed that outcome."

"Can you elaborate?"

"No, I can only say just as much as Cursed. But, he didn't tell you what the threat is."


"Heaven isn't happy."


- - - - - - - - -
773 words.
sorry it's short I wanted to leave you on the threat of impending doom.

why did I write this while listening to my one-sided radiostatic playlist-

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