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no angst bc I feel like I might've put y'all through a lot lately,
and, (sorry for putting all this boring shit here) luci blushes red even though he has gold blood bc I said so

Alastor woke up sitting on the kings lap. He pulled his head away from the blondes neck. "What the fuck..."

Lucifer was already awake, "Alastor?"

"Lucifer? What am I doing... here?" Alastor gestured to the the fallen angels legs.

"You fell asleep after having a panic attack and I didn't have the heart to move you. I can leave if you want me to, though?"

Al hummed, "No, I... I think I'd enjoy some company. Although, if I may," he got off of Lucifer and instead switched their positions, the ex-angel now sitting in the deers lap, "Much better."

Lucifer blushed a bit, but he just hoped the wendigo hadn't noticed, "Whatever makes you happy, pal."

Alastor hummed and snapped, a box of cigarettes appearing in his hand as well as his shadow (HE'S BACK) opening a window. He grabbed one of the cigarettes and was about to snap again for a lighter, but Lucifer put his thumb up to the end of the cancer stick, a small flame dancing on the scientifically dubbed not actual finger. (real talk tho, why tf do we say we have ten fingers if we also say the thumb ain't a finger? confusing shit.)

As Alastor brought the cigarette to his lips, Lucifer decided to speak up after extinguishing the tiny fire on his thumb, "You smoke?"

Blowing the smoke out of his mouth away from Lucifer, the radio demon's smile tightened, "No," he deadpanned.

Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously, "Yeah, that was a dumb question..."

Alastor chuckled back, taking another drag of the cig, "You think so?"

The fallen angel took the cancer stick from the sinner and put it in-between his own fingers, inhaling the smoke himself. He blew said smoke in Alastor's face, "Fuck you."

Alastor's smile widened, taking his cigarette back, "No thank you, perhaps a different day though."

The king blushed a crimson red, a stark contrast to his milky white skin tone, as he fumbled over his words.

The overlord crushed the rest of the ciggy in an ashtray provided by his shadow (I love alastors shadow sm oml), as well as sending a grateful smile to said being. Alastor leaned his head onto his hand, "Aw, is the king all flustered because of me~?"

"Shut up..." the blonde grumbled, hiding his burning face in his hands.

"No need to be so ashamed, m'lord.~"

"You talking is not helping."

"Good." Alastor gently took Lucifers hands off of his face.

"...You would look good as a duck." Lucifer muttered.

Alastor blinked, tilting his head to the side slightly, his ears flopping that way as well, "Thank you? I think?"

The ex-angel simply smiled, "You're welcome."

Alastor hummed, thinking of something to do, before his eyes lit up ever so slightly...


"It's not my fault you're a sore loser."


Alastor narrowed his eyes, "Bitch, how???"


"Okay, your highness, calm down. I know you have the height of a toddler but you don't need to have a tantrum."

Lucifer glared at the deer, "I will climb up those skinny ass legs of yours."

"Touch me, I'll bite you." Alastor threatened cheerfully, his smile a nice show of his yellow ass teeth. (like, seriously, how long has it been since bro brushed his teeth? there are toothbrushes in hell, right?)

Despite there being no real threat behind the overlords words, and no real heat behind the king's yelling either, Lucifer took a slight step back, and Alastor's grin widened, another delightful display of his sharp canines.

Around the room were various decks of cards and games thrown about by the king in a fit of his sore-loser-rage that have yet to be picked up yet. A chess board and it's pieces lie somewhere, a game that Alastor won; three times. Multiple standard card decks used for different games that no one bothered to clean up, and goddamn Alastor's smile that man has way too good of a poker face. Uno, that Alastor seemed to not understand, meaning the king of hell had finally bested the radio demon! And he bested him again with a game of monopoly that the deer didn't quite get the gist of (same al, same.😔) ...until it came to blackjack, a game Lucifer deemed himself quite good at, but it seems Alastor was better, even when they were basically just guessing numbers. Damn that deer.

...Wait, he's already damned-

Whatever, doesn't matter, back to the story.

Alastor laughed, waving a hand down in dismissal, "Calm down, dear, I'm only joking!"

"I dunno, man, you're like a cannibal-"

"Although, I wouldn't mind having a taste..."

Lucifer took another step back, eyeing the cannibal wearily.

"With consent of course! Wouldn't want to upset his majesty, now would I?" Alastor chuckled.

"Remind me to keep you far away from my neck."

"Hmm," Alastor rubbed his chin, before widening his grin, "No!"

Lucifer sighed, "I'm too tired to deal with your bullshit..."

Alastor looked at the clock resting on his bedside table, "I suppose is it is getting a bit late... Would you like to spend the night in here, again?"

Lucifer frog blinked, "Really!?" He coughed, looking down at the ground as he blushed in embarrassment, "I mean, uh, yeah, sure."

Alastor chuckled and snapped, all of the discarded games from before now cleaned up and put back in their rightful places.

The deer snapped once again, now wearing red satin pajamas with some black on the collar and ends of the sleeves and pants. He pat the bed with his hand, beckoning the king over, "Come along now, darling, you don't want to sleep on the floor again, do you?"

Lucifer snapped his own fingers, his suit appearing in a pile that he scooted into a corner, now wearing an oversized tshirt with part of it tucked into his rubber duck pattern shorts so it wouldn't look like he wasn't wearing anything underneath. Then, the fallen angel proceeded to practically hurl himself into the sinners lap.

Thankfully, he landed in the correct destination and didn't accidentally throw himself into a wall. Alastor put one hand on Lucifers hip, he waved his other hand towards the suit the blonde earlier threw into a pile, making the outfit fold neatly and setting it on Alastor's dresser, placing Lucifers scepter next to it and his hat atop the outfit.

"Neat freak," Lucifer said, his voice muffled as he buried his face in Al's chest.

"You're the messy one," Alastor shot back, no real heat to it as he laid down, Lucifer still in his arms.

"No, I'm not, you are..." The ex-angel mumbled sleepily, wrapping his arms around the heat source that was Alastor.

"Sure, dear." Alastor rolled his eyes playfully, pulling the comforter over both of them and chuckled when he saw the king already asleep.

- - - - - - - - -
1203 words. omg 123🤯
sorry lol I'm rlly tired and I have so much school work to do but ✨procrastination✨ truly is my specialty lmao

bye-bye, crow is gonna (try to) sleep now have fun reading or writing other stories<3

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