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hi-hi! the drawing above is by me btw, it's not that great but I thought I'd add it for funsies :p

Lucifer was sitting in Alastor's lap, reading a book as Cursed nibbled on left his arm and Alastor gnawed on his right shoulder, the deer had his arms wrapped around the fallen angels waist as he read the book as well. Ah yes, the king of hell and his cannibals.

The peaceful moment was interrupted by the distant playing of an electric guitar as well as muffled chatter and laughter.

Lucifer put the bookmark in and closed the book. He leaned back against the radio demon's chest with a sigh. "You think that's Adam?"

"Definitely Adam," Alastor answered, stopping his gnawing on the blondes shoulder, instead setting his chin on the shorters shoulder, "Would you like to join them, my king?"

Lucifer hummed in thought before shrugging, "Sure, why not."

The radio demon took his head off the sovereigns shoulder and moved his arms to support him as he leaned back, allowing Lucifer to get off of his lap.

The fallen angel softly kissed Alastor's cheek before standing up, stretching, and looking for his suit jacket.

The deer tossed the jacket to the ex-angel and stood up himself, running a hand through his hair and adjusting his bowtie.

"Thanks, Al." Lucifer said, smiling as he was about to leave, holding the open door.

"Anytime, darling." the wendigo replied, his smile soft and genuine.

"See you downstairs, I love you." the ex-seraph blew a kiss to the sinner before stepping out of the room, making his way to the lobby.

Alastor stood in his room, frozen, his hand clutched over his heart. Those three little words, out of the blue. God, what was Lucifer doing to him? The radio demon, one of the most powerful sinners in all of hell, flustered and frozen over three words.

"I love you too, Luci..." he whispered, "more than you know."

The overlord laughed to himself, love was turning him into such a soft bitch, ...but maybe it's for the better.

Al left his room, walking towards the elevator with a genuine smile, leaving his shadow who was shaking it's fists up and down excitedly. It's master was in love! Real, actual love! Lucifer made it's boss happy, genuinely happy! Alastor's shadow is the number one radioapple shipper.

Meanwhile, Adam continued to play his guitar happily. He was improving, whether you believe it or not. Here, he wasn't expected to be perfect, he wasn't praised for being the first man. In the Hazbin Hotel, he was just Adam. He was appreciated for being him and his personality, not his title. Just that thought gave him so much serotonin.

Angel Dust felt the same, just in a different way. He wasn't used and abused everything five minutes, he wasn't discriminated for his job. Here, he was just Anthony. Here, he was happy.

Sure, Husk didn't like the fact that his soul was owned by Alastor, but it takes away the stress of being an overlord. He learned the hard way that you don't win even if you drown yourself in booze or win the whole pot in a game. Here, at this hotel, he found his happiness, his way of winning.

Niffty found people that care. Yeah, they were a bit scared of her, and sometimes she made them a bit uncomfortable, but they cared. They paid attention to her. They wanted her here. That made her so unbelievably happy.

Vaggie doesn't have to search and suffer for Adam or any other high power in heaven's approval, she doesn't need permission to do things, she's a free soul. Charlie found her, and Charlie made her happier than she ever had been before.

Cherri Bomb lost the man that could have been the love of her life, but she kept the hope that she might be able to see him again one day. Maybe this hotel would work. Maybe she could get used to this. This... feeling. It's not one she got from any drugs or alcohol or other substances, she felt accepted. She felt happy.

Lucifer didn't have to be the perfect angel, and he didn't have to be the king of hell. Yeah, he has his issues, everyone does, and yes, he's awkward most of the time, but everyone accepted him anyway. He was allowed into this little family despite everything. That meant so much to him.

Alastor didn't need to be scary, he didn't need his smile, he didn't need to be manipulative and cunning, there's no fighting for survival here, he didn't need to be the radio demon. He could just be Alastor. The Alastor that loves to cook, paint, and secretly adores this little family. The genuine Alastor. That brought a genuine smile to his face.

Charlie might not have gotten her happy day in hell, but she got a happy day in her hotel. She was technically the one who brought all of these sinners and creatures together. She did this. She made this. They improved because she showed them how. The pride and happiness in her eyes barely scratched the surface of the depths of the emotions.

Surveying the scene in front of her, a wide smile made it's way across the princess's cheeks. Everyone chatting and joking around happily, even Alastor and Lucifer were getting along! Niffty was managing to stay still enough to play uno, Angel hadn't touched any angel dust in months, Husk was drinking less than usual, Cherri hasn't caused any destruction or indulged in anything for a while and Angel would help her through withdrawals, Vaggie was learning to show how she cares, Adam was learning how to just be Adam and how to be nicer, Alastor was learning that the radio demon doesn't matter here, he just needs to remember how to simply be Alastor and how to not start problems for fun, and Lucifer was improving his social skills. It warmed Charlie's heart so much to just look at her family having fun together.

There was just one person missing. Well, two, but we'll see Pentious again one day.

Who, you may ask? Well, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until next chapter, babes.

A knock on the door.

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1050 words! cliffhangers<3

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