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TW! SH, Hallucinations, mentions of meds, Al has a panic attack, blood
(please do tell me if I missed any)

Alastor's smile was wide, an anxious habit of his, as he curled up in a ball in the corner of his room. His pupils small as they darted across the room, his view of the world flipped as his mind played torturous tricks on him.

The shadows started to move and take form of people he once knew. "That's okay," he whispered.

They started to speak, all of the saying degrading and hurtful things. "That's fine," he muttered.

They were loud, oh so so loud, his ears pinning back as he clutched his head. "It's fine," he told himself.

The walls were closing in on him. "It's fine," he told himself.

He started to claw at his arm, the pain and warmth the friction brought him a small sense of reality as he watched drops of blood come to the surface of the cuts his claws made.

It's getting hard to breathe. "It's fine," he told himself.

The voices screamed in his ears even when he shut his eyes tightly to not see them. "It's fine," he told himself.

He stopped the scratching on his arm to roughly clasp his hands over his ears. It didn't help, the voices only got louder. "It's fine," he told himself.

They laughed and laughed and laughed, a cruel cacophony as the voices made fun of the panicking deer. "It's fine," he told himself.

"Aw, what happened to the big bad radio demon?"

"A predator in the skin of prey? Oh please, look at yourself, do you really believe that?"

"I wonder what your mother would think if she saw you now."

"Does she know what you've done?"

They'd tease and jab insults at the radio demon. "It's fine," he told himself. The tears rolling down his face told a different story.

He opened his eyes once again, taking deep breaths and trying to make sense of reality. "It's fine," he told himself.

The voices stopped. He sighed, relieved.

"Oh, Alastor~" a new voice practically sang out.

His eyes snapped back open, he tried to press himself into the corner even more, whispering "no no no no no" over and over again.

His father, standing over him, his cheeks flush from alcohol.

"It's not fine," Alastor told himself.

"The fuck are you crying about? Pathetic. Just get me a damn beer you worthless shit."

"I- I don't h-have anything to g-give you, S-Sir," Al stuttered out, his eyes wide with fear.

It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real, It's not real.

Alastor repeated the sentence to himself quietly as he clutched his head, staring at the floor instead of the spitting image of the man who haunted him all his life.

(apologies in advance, I'm not the best at writing first point of view)

Bored, I walked around the halls aimlessly. What to do, what to do... Oh! I could go see what Alastor's up to? But what if he's busy? Eh, fuck it, he probably won't care too much.

Eventually, I made it to Alastor's room. I knocked a few times, frowning when I didn't get a response.

"Alastor?" I called out, "Are you in there?"

No response.

I shrugged and just opened the door, expecting him to be ignoring me. He's not in here?

I looked around the room, and when I turned my head to the right, my breath caught in my throat. Alastor, curled up in a ball, hands over his ears and clutching his head tightly, crying, shaking and muttering "no" repeatedly.

switching back to 3rd person pov bc I hated that

"Alastor?" Lucifer whispered, his eyes wide with surprise but eyebrows knitted together in concern.

Al looked up that noise ever so slightly, but backed up more, not ready for another round of insults from his hallucinations.

"Hey, Al..." Lucifer kneeled down next to the deer, "Can you hear me?"

No response.

Lucifer gently took one of Alastor's hands off his head, and started to pinch each of the radio demons fingertips but not enough to hurt him.

Alastor didn't seem to notice.

Lucifer picked the deer up with surprising strength, and set Alastor on his lap, putting Al's head on his chest so the redhead could hear his heartbeat. (I don't know if Luci has a heartbeat, but we're rollin with it.) The short king continued to softly pinch the overlords fingertips.

Slowly, Alastor started to come back to reality. The feeling of the rise and fall of Lucifers chest as he took each breath. The sound of the blondes heartbeat. The soft pinching of his fingertips. Al's breathing started to steady, matching his pace with Lucifers.

"Alastor?" The fallen angel said, "Can you hear me?"

The wendigo nodded, "y-yeah..."

"Okay, can you name two things you can feel?"

"You pinching my fingers, and the rise and fall of your chest."

"Three things you can smell?"

"My own blood, the wood burning in my fireplace, and... do you use apple and chamomile shampoo?"

Lucifer chuckled, "Maybe I do. Four things you can see?"

"Uhm... My hands, your hands, my bed, and my fireplace."

"Good job! And do you know who I am?"

"Uh..." Al hesitated. He gently grabbed the wrist of Lucifers hand that was still pinching the wendigos claws, making the king stop. Alastor interlocked their fingers and hummed. "Lucifer?" he guessed.

"Yeah. You doing alright, Al?"

"Better." he let go of Lucifers hand. "...thank you."

Lucifer smiled, "Glad I could help."

Al sat up, being uncomfortable in the position he was in, his legs now stretched out on either side of the king, but he still sat in the blondes lap. "I would appreciate it if you didn't mention anything that just happened to the other's, though."

"I won't. I promise." Lucifers smile was soft.

Al smiled back, before setting his head in the crook of Lucifers neck.


"mmm, I'm tired..."

"...okay, buddy, you need to get some rest." Lucifer said, but the deer was already asleep.

- - - - - - - - -
1140 words. Sorry, I know this one was shit I'm tired, and sorry that the lucifers pov part was short, I don't like writing in first person.
And yes, I do know how small luci is compared to al but I frankly dgaf that deer is sitting on that mans lap anyway😤

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