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"What... the hell?" Lucifer mumbled, looking at the photo, his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

In the picture was a woman lying on the floor, but she had cuts and bruises littering her face, eyes and mouth open as she took her last breath, bloodstains scattered on the hardwood floor beneath her and all over her clothes, a knife lodged in her stomach.

Alastor looked at the photo, before crossing his arms over his now healed (and clothed) chest, his smile tight. "I said a picture of when she was alive, not when she died."

Lucifer looked up at the wendigo, concern evident in his eyes before he shook his head. "R-Right..." he muttered, moving the picture to the back of the stack and looking at a different one.

This one was different, but it was still concerning. There was the woman again, but there was a man next to her, holding her hand and a hand on her waist, he was looking at the camera with a smile, seeming normal. But Amiyah (the woman) was looking at him with scared, wide eyes, her smile big yet tight. She looked terrified.

Alastor growled and snapped, the picture burning in green flames.

"Don't like that guy, huh?" Lucifer said, his voice a little shaky. What the hell had this lady been through?

"I fucking hate him." Alastor said.

"Didn't take you for a yandere," Lucifer joked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

Alastor sighed, "Can you please stop assuming that I dated her?"

"I mean, I'm not judging, she's really pretty."

"My lord, that is my mother."

"...huh. I see where you get your looks from." the fallen angel muttered.

"What?" Alastor said, his ears twitching.

"What?" Lucifer echoed, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"Nothing, I thought you said something."

"Nope! Haha, anyway next picture."

Finally. A pleasant picture. A man wearing a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a light brown suit vest on top of it with short brown curly hair and glasses resting atop his nose. Amiyah stood next to him, smiling happily, a few stray curls falling out of her high bun and in front of her face. They both looked happy.

"Hey, who's that?" Lucifer asked, pointing to the guy next to Amiyah.

Alastor took the photo from the kings hand. His gaze softened and his grin fell to a small tight-lipped smile. "Me." the deer's voice was barely above a whisper as he gently set the picture on his nightstand.

"You seemed to have a good relationship with her."

"Seeing her when I got home was the highlight of my day."

Lucifer smiled, but it immediately dropped as he looked down at the picture in his hand. "Unho-ly shit."

The man that was in the picture Alastor burned was lying in the floor, a part of his skull caved in, 24 stab wounds in his torso, his eyes plucked out and his arm severed off.

Alastor chuckled, taking the photo from the fallen angels hand once again, "I do always love admiring my work."

"You- You did that?"

"He deserved it. That man deserved every bad thing that ever happened to him, and if I ever find him here, I'll do it again."

Lucifer nodded, but his eyes narrowed, what the fuck did this guy do to get on the top of Al's hit list?

Alastor's ear twitched and his smile looked a bit brighter, he walked over to the door as a knock was heard. He opened the door with a warm smile,
"Charlie! What can I do for you, my dear?"

"Hi, Al! I have some paper work that needs filled out, but I also have to plan all the exercises and activities for the month, so I was wondering if you could do it?" The princess asked, holding a stack of papers out to him.

"Why of course, dear!" (aha, 669 words) Alastor took the stack from her hands, "Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah, um, my dad is taking care of breakfast, so you don't need to do that anymore. Anyway, that's it! Thanks for getting that paperwork taken care of!" And with that, the princess scurried off.

Alastor turned around with a sigh, closing the door behind him.

"Do you do paperwork often?" A voice spoke up.

Alastor's ear twitched, and he looked the source of the voice, only to find Lucifer. "Ah, you're still here. To answer your question, yes, I do. Quite frequently, actually. I am the hotelier, after all."

"Right, I forgot about that." Lucifer looked down at two pictures that were still in his hands. "What... What happened to her?"

"The man you saw the body of was her husband. He wasn't a good man."

"...What happened to you?"




"Y'know, bottling things up doesn't help."

"Nothing happened to me, I'm fine."


"I'm. Fine."


"I was a radio host in New Orleans, I grew up in Louisiana near the bayou, I was a murderer, nothing bad happened to me, my life was fine. I'm fine."


"I said I'm fine."

"Ignoring things doesn't help, I know that from experience."

"Get out of my room before I make you."

Lucifer sighed, but made his way out the door.

He entered his room, closing the door behind him. He looked down at the photo in his hand, it was the last one in the stack. A child. Covered head to toe in cuts and bruises and wounds, a broken look in his eyes, tears pouring down his face, yet a smile stretched up to his cheeks.

"What the fuck happened to you, Al...?"

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984 words.

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