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I'm sorry for making you all wait on that cliffhanger, but the person at the door was def petah griffin.
And y'know how everyone was real happy last chapter? There's always calm before a storm.

Alastor's ear twitched as he stood up, waving his hand at Charlie to sit back down. "I'll get it dear, don't worry."

The princess nodded, but followed behind the overlord anyway.

Opening the door, Alastor held his wide grin, "Hel—" he cut himself off as he made eye contact with the demoness standing there, his eyes widened, whispering a small, "fuck." under his breath.

The thread holding his grin up pulled harder as the lady who was sadly not a character from Family Guy smiled at him. He opened the door wider for her, stepping to the side and bowing, "Right this way, your majesty."

Charlie's eyes widened too, but not for the same reason as Alastor. She practically ran into the woman's arms, "Mom!!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Everyone turned their head towards the door at that, only to see the queen of hell herself.

"Holy shit..." Husk, Angel, and Cherri muttered at the same time.

Niffty paused her cleaning for a moment, but quickly went back to stabbing roaches. She would get to know the pretty lady eventually, and she was only into bad boys anyway.

Vaggie didn't really know how to react, simply standing there in shock.

Alastor stood upright, gesturing inside, "Please, your highness, come in." he managed through a slight glare and clenched teeth.

Lilith and Charlie walked inside the hotel, the princess introducing everyone and talking too fast to even comprehend what she was saying, but Lilith just nodded along, pretending to listen. Alastor was fluent in Charlie, but he was too busy with his thoughts.

Suddenly, a small blur of white ran past everyone, jumping onto the first woman and placing a kiss on her lips. "Lilith!" Lucifer exclaimed happily as he pulled away.

"Luci!" Lilith shouted back, wrapping her arms around the small king and pulling him into another kiss.

The radio demons no longer beating heart dropped. Just this morning Lucifer told him he loved him? What happened to that? What happened to 'It's been seven years, if she gets mad she can suck it the fuck up'? Did everything they had get thrown out the window the second those blue eyes came into view? What does this mean for them? What's with the sudden switch up? Was Alastor not good enough? Was it all a lie? Was it just a game for the king? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? WHAT DID AL DO WRONG!?

The deer took a quick look at Lucifers left ring finger and there it was. It made the wendigos heart drop even more, you could probably hear the unused organ shatter if you listened close enough. Something gold. Something shiny. A wedding ring.

Alastor sent a quick glance to his shadow, silently asking himself if he took his meds this morning. The shadow nodded, everything that was happening was real. Was the love Lucifer talked so fondly about with him real? Was the Lucifer he knew real?

He couldn't handle this. It was too much. He can't keep watching the rulers of hell hold hands and act all happy and loving to each other. Not when five minutes ago one of them was being loving to him and now just tossed him aside like trash. He reached his shaking hand behind him, and his shadow gently took it, pulling the radio demon into the darkness to reappear in the comfort of his radio tower.

He shook his head no, the windows had too many spots that Vox could look through, the sounds pouring in were too loud, the sights were eye straining, the—

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