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i just want the deer man and the devil to be happy together but I have no idea how imma come back from last chap-

Alastor woke up in his closet, his body a bit sore from the uncomfortable sleeping position. He took a breath, opening the door and slumping onto his bed.

He rubbed his temples, hoping the massive hangover he had would go away. Spoiler; it didn't.

Al huffed, the sadness he felt yesterday transformed into anger and resentment. Towards Lucifer? Heavens no! The deer still loved the embodiment of sin with every bone in his body. He was mad at himself. I mean, it was all his fault, or at least that's what he told himself.

If he didn't have a panic attack, Lucifer wouldn't have come into his room, if he didn't let the king stay, if he would've taken his meds that morning, if he hadn't been so gullible he wouldn't have made that deal with Lilith in the first place. Maybe if he had done things differently, he wouldn't have gotten hurt.

The overlord snapped, fixing his suit to perfection and shadow traveling down to the lobby. He needed to blow off some steam and what better way to do that than collecting screams from his broadcast? Well, there's also... No. He was not going to relapse. Not today.

Charlie stopped him from walking by speaking, "Good afternoon, Al! Where are you going?"

'Afternoon?' He mentally sighed, but ultimately decided to brush his worsening sleep schedule off. He put on the most convincing soft smile he could manage, "No where special, my dear! Just need some fresh air, I'll be off now!" he excused himself quickly, he didn't want to blow up on poor Charlie.

Once our the doors, he chuckled psychotically, "Just getting some fresh air!" he repeated sarcastically, making speed walking through hell without an actual goal in mind.

Various cases of murder later, his suit was covered in blood as well as some splattered in his face and lots more near his mouth. He got a little hungry. But with the radio demons rampage, it was only a matter of time 'til word got to the media demon.

As Alastor practically skipped through the streets of hell cheerfully, a large yet deranged grin painted across his face, the collection of TVs in a window lit up, Vox's angry voice clarifying his presence,


"Your employees?" the deer echoed, "My, no wonder they were so annoying!"


"Oh! CEO of VoxTek spotted walking through the disgusting streets of Pride! Is that it? That's all you can threaten me with? I suppose I didn't realize you had fallen so far, old friend." Al's smile widened as he saw Vox grow angrier with each word. "It was lovely to chat again, old pal, but I'm afraid I'll have to cut this short!"

"Wha—" Vox was cut off by Alastor piercing his tentacles through all of the smaller TVs, leaving the largest one. "Buh-bye!" he stabbed his cane into the last television, reveling in the sound of it cracking.

Once the technological prick was gone, Al huffed. All the anger came rushing back. Continuing his walk back to the hotel, he killed sinners on his way.

A stab through a sinners gut.

A knife through a sinners neck.

A gunshot wound in a sinners skull.

The hotel was coming into view, and he was starting to calm down. But soon, a arrow lodged itself into the radio demons shoulder, he sighed, he'll deal with it later, it might've been a misfire.

A knife struck his back, nevermind those were definitely aimed. His eyes searched every alleyway and rooftop nearby, looking extremely intently. A person loading an arrow into a bow, a demon grabbing a knife out of their belt. Bingo.


"Welcome back to 666 news! Today we have a juicy story for all of you low lives!"

"That's right, Katy, we sure do have an interesting one today! Currently—"

"Shut the fuck up, Tom. Anyway, right now the radio demon is on a large massacre, whether this was planned or not we don't know! Was he lacking audio for his broadcasts? Was he mad? We don't know! Let's head to the live feed!"


Alastor sat on a rooftop, his legs swinging back and forth happily as he munched on an arm. What a lucky cannibal.

His ear twitched, what the hell was making that annoying ass whirring sound? He looked around, confused, until he saw a crudely made knock off VoxTek drone.

He huffed, glaring at the terribly crafted technology, picking up a leg he managed to save from earlier and smacking the device with it.

He went back to eating, letting the drone fall to the ground,


"...Okay, why couldn't we see his face? DID HE JUST HIT MY DRONE WITH A LEG!? I SPENT GOOD MONEY ON THAT SHIT, I—!"

"Take five! Take five! TAKE FI—!"


The old-fashioned TV clicked off.

"What. The. Fuck." Vaggie practically growled out.

Charlie sighed.

Lilith glared at the TV.

Lucifer frog blinked.

Husk didn't bat an eye, continuing to drink vodka straight from the bottle.

Nifty stabbed a bug.

"Freaky-face did all that?" Cherri and Angel muttered simultaneously.

Adam shuddered, "Fuck, cannibals are creepy as hell..."

— — — — — — — — —
914 words.

lost motivation like halfway through ngl.
also, do y'all have any fic recommendations? I feel like I've run out of good fics

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