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Alastor sighed as he stepped in front of the hotel's doors. He was tired as hell and there was still an arrow in his shoulder and a knife in his back. He opened the door, only to be met with an angelic spear pointed at his throat.

"We saw the news." Vaggie practically growled out.

Alastor raised an eyebrow, glaring down at the ex-exorcist, "Do I look like I care?"

"Do you know how much trouble you could've caused the hotel!?" Vaggie yelled, bringing the tip of her spear closer to the radio demons throat.

"Go on," the deer said, tilting his head up slightly to show more of his neck, his smile widening, "Do it."

Vaggie stepped back, withdrawing her weapon, a look on her face that read 'what the fuck'.

"Now that you're respecting personal space, may I come in?" Alastor asked boredly.

The ex-angel moved to the side, letting the demon pass.

"OH MY GOD! AL, YOU'RE HURT!!" Charlie yelled once she saw the coca-cola dressed man. She ran over to him, "Here, let me-"

Al cut her off, "Please do refrain, my dear. I can handle myself."

"But you're-!"

"I'm fine."

"There's an arrow in your shoulder, no you're not!"

The wendigo suppressed a sigh before ripping the arrow out of his shoulder, tearing the knife from his back, and dropping the bloodied weapons onto the floor without a single reaction.

"I repeat," he started, "I am fine. Do not underestimate my pain tolerance."

"...Right. Sorry, Al." The princess mumbled an apology, a little disturbed by the display, "I'll go get my dad to heal it—"

"NO!" Alastor cleared his throat, realizing how strong that came out, "I mean, no, that won't be necessary, my dear. Merely a flesh wound."

"But—" the blonde sighed, "Okay, I'll let you go this time." she said, turning to walk away.

The wendigo took a glance around the room. No Lucifer or Lilith in sight. A soft smile graced his lips, maybe the rest of his day will be peaceful.

He snapped, shadow traveling to outside his room. Finally, he can relax. His ear twitched, why was there shuffling coming from inside his room?

He suppressed a groan, another nuisance. Throwing his door open, he crossed his arms, "Listen, I have had a shitty day, so I suggest you get—"

Those eyes.


God, those pretty yellow and red eyes.


Captivating and beautiful, what did he do to deserve this angel? He didn't know.


Heartbreaking and soul-binding, he knew what he had done to deserve this torment. He knew far too well.

And that was the thought that brought him back to reality.

"Get out of my room." he finally finished his sentence.

"No, you've been ignoring me lately and I wanna know why." Lucifer put his hands on his hips defiantly.

Something broke in Al's mind, like a flick of a light switch, he glared at a spot on the floor, "Are you implying that you have no idea?"


The neverending smile widened. His eye twitched; but he was silent. There wasn't even the usual radio static that normally lingers around in his presence, only complete utter silence.

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