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After that whole scenario from last chapter, Adam was shown his room and informed that breakfast would be ready in a few, so he decided to chill in his room for a bit.

And now, I just realized that I didn't describe Adam's appearance, and even though you've probably read other radioapple fics and have an idea, I don't care this needs more words.
Adam looked in the mirror, the horns that were once on his mask were now actually attached to his head, and he no longer had his mask. He has long black tail with a spade tip, the tips of his fingers are dark grey with his nails painted black (they were painted black before he fell🤭), his wings are tattered and dull, and he has lil chicken feet/talons bc I said so.

Adam took off his red jordans as they were uncomfortable for his lil claws. The first man stared at his talons, flexing them a few times, "Well fuck, that'll take some getting used to..." he muttered.

Sighing, he left his room, his claws clicking against the floor as he walked to the elevator, hands in his pockets.

One thing he noticed since he appeared in hell is that he was fucking exhausted. Like all the time to a worrying degree. Did I forget to mention the big dark bags underneath Adam's eyes? I probably did.

The ex-angel successfully made it to the lobby. Looking around, he saw the princess of hell talking to Vajjie, some random ass cat behind a bar counter, a one-eyed pink-haired woman sitting at said bar talking to that pornstar Angel Dust.

He approached Charlie, she seemed to be the nicest here. He chose to ignore the way Vagina glared at him and grabbed her spear. "Hey, uh, Charlotte?"

The princess smiled, "It's Charlie."

"I don't care." he said flatly, "Anyway, where can a bitch get some grub around here?"

Her smile faltered a bit at the first part, but it came back full force at his question, "It'll be ready in a few minutes! Breakfast is always at eight thirty."

"K." he turned away from her and flopped down onto a couch, silently thanking God that he was able to keep his phone.

Charlie sighed, her smile fading.

Vaggie hugged her girlfriend, "He's just an asshole, mi amor, don't worry about him.

"He isn't making any progress, though..." the taller mumbled, hugging the ex-exorcist back.

"Never thought I'd say this, but focus on the positive. Alastor and your dad seem to be getting along."

Charlie seemed to brighten up at this, "Yeah! I forgot about-"

A loud smack coming from the kitchen silenced all conversation.

Alastor came storming out of the cooking area, his ears pinned against his head, face buried in his hands. Lucifer could be heard laughing as Al quickly made his way to the elevator.

"Uh, what just happened?" Angel piped up, raising a hand like someone called on him.

The king of hell stepped into the lobby, "Nothing you need to worry about, he's just being pissy," the small blonde chuckled, "On a different note, breakfast is ready."

with our favorite coca cola man 🥰

Alastor jumped onto his bed and screamed into a pillow.

After about a minute, he sat up, holding the pillow to his chest tightly. "That bitch! He can't just do that! How did he even know I had a tail?"

Alastor's shadow appeared next to it's master, acting as support through this trying time.

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