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"Now tell me" he turned towards her

"Are you sensitive to blood?"
He smirked

Shion blinked confused at him, what kind of question was that supposed to be?

"What is it that you have in mind padre?"
She tilted her head inquisitively at him, the sudden flash of colours in her eyes told him she was searching for the answer in his mind

"Nothing much, just a little test" he grinned, at the mention of a test, her eyes returned to their deep brown

"It will take care of a nuisance for me, and be a lesson on how to better control your ability for you" she raised and eyebrow

" 'killing two birds with one stone' the English would say" that answer seamed to satisfy her enough to stop looking inquisitively at him.

"And what am I supposed to do in this 'test' or yours" she raised her left hand to mimic the quotation marks as she talked

"Nothing to difficult really, you'll just have to stand there and listen" he put emphasis on the word
"Quite the good training for you, while I can value just how much you can stomach in a interrogation"
She widened her eyes slightly, opened and closed her mouth as per to say something but deciding on something else
"Didn't Dazai tell you I used to be an interrogator? Because making me test in an area I already have experience in seams to much of a coincidence... But I can't figure out when could he have told you that..." She looked wide eyed at him

'that's because he didn't, he should have. I'm just going to wrap my hands on that fish neck of his and squeeze the next time I see him'

"Oh... Had this not been in my favour I would have complained, just so you know" she turned to look at the elevator doors, suddenly finding them interesting

"But it favours you so what should I expect?" He said sarcastically
" A 'thank you' is what you are getting" she tilted her head so that it would hit his shoulder lightly

"They could be... from the Italian mafia-" he felt uncomfortable at bringing up the topic

"Then don't mind me if their brain starts to suddenly leek out of their hearing cavities"
The smile turned towards him tightened ever so slightly, making a shudder ran down his spine.

It was a feeling he was well a costumed to, but he had only felt it in Dazai's presence when he took apart. piece by piece. the person in front of him without so much as raising a finger.

The first time he witnessed Dazai interrogation method he understood why he was called a demon, the woman, a traitor had been shivering and crying as Dazai had spoken.
He had killed her mentally long before they could perform an execution, he had watched as every bit of information had been squished out her mouth.

The feeling he felt from Shion right now, was much to similar to that one, given, not as strong
But alas, it was a feeling.

The elevator ding told him he would have plenty of time to find out.

The lady he gave the hat to was waiting for them blowing a sharp 45 degree

"Nakahara-san, Nakahara-ojōsan. Good evening, I have taken the guests to a private room, if you could follow me"
She raised her head and started walking down the hall, passing by several identical doors.
She stopped in front of one of the many anonymous oak doors, she turned the knob and opened the door for them.

The two Nakaharas were now in a room with six unidentified people.
One would say they were outnumbered (but I'm sure the readers know best)

The room was plain and devoid of any real decorations or windows, there was only a coffee table in the middle, circled with armchairs encased in pure cotton (blood washes off easier from pure cotton, personal experience)

They Will Call Our Crimes A Work Of Art: Soukoku Child (Chuuya X Dazai) Where stories live. Discover now