•the fireside (fluff)

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Credits go to me! (This is inspired by the fireside scene from AOTC)

"Padme." Anakin called out her name. "Yes Anakin." She responded.

"I need to talk to you. Privately."

You overheard their conversation as you pretend to guard the front of her apartment.
Anakin and Padme walked to a private room, a decorative long couch, covered by the pillows. Across from them was a fireside, where golden royal glass cups were standing proudly next to the warmth of the fire.

The door was slightly open, which made it easy for you to catch their conversation. "Excuse me."

An unknown voice perceived your prying interruption. You turned around to see none other than Sabé, one of the amidalans. "Sabé! It's so great to see you."

"Well, Anakin and Padme might not be so pleased with your presence." Looking at the door. "Look just help me out with cleaning up the table."

You wanted to hear what Anakin had to say about you. You both secretly were seeing each other while he was protecting the senator. But Padme was your friend, so you wanted her business to be kept between her and Anakin.

"Ok fine, but promise not to tell anyone about this." You demanded quietly.

"Your secret is safe with me. Besides, who wouldn't be falling for Anakin." You both giggled walking back to the dinner table Anakin and Padme sat at, cleaning the dishes and wiping down the table.

"I just don't understand why he's talking to her about his problems. What happened to me?" You whined, wiping down the table one last time.

"I don't know. Maybe he just needs some time to think. He has a lot of his shoulders nowadays. With the assassination attack of the Senator and everything. Why wouldn't he be so stressed out. I think you're just blinded by the obvious." She pointed out, putting the dishes back in the cabinets.

"Maybe you're right. I should go easy on him."
You felt guilty for complaining. Wiping the dishes dry using a cloth.

"He might feel the same way you feel about him. You don't know what's going on in his mind right now. There's still a possibility." She claimed.

"I need to go sleep, tomorrow's a big day. I can't miss out on it. Maybe you should rest too." You know that she was only looking out for you, but the thought of not hearing what Anakin had to say to Padme was taking control over your actions. You needed to know.

You quietly ran back to the private room they were in, behind the door, pushing your ear next to the door, catching up with their conversation. As you peeked through the thin hole, Padme was sitting next to Anakin to his right. Looking at him with their curious eyes. Waiting for Anakin to start speaking.

"From the moment I met her, all those years ago. Not a day has gone by when I haven't even thought of her." His breath was shaking, scared of his consequences. "But now that I'm with you again, I'm in agony."

There was a short pause of silence. 'Who is "her". And why do I not know 'her?' You thought to yourself.

"The closer I could get to her, the worse it got. But the thought of not being with you. I can't breathe."

'Oh, he can't decide which one to love. Maybe that's what's bothering him so much.'

"What can I do? I'm confused and I'm angry." he hung himself till his eyes were pointing his knees, now looking back at Padme. "You can't choose between both of us. It's just not possible."

"But anything is possible Padme listen to me." He begged her as he scooted forward, waiting for an response.

"No you listen. We're not living in a fairytale, this is the real world. So come back to it. You're both starting to become Jedi and I'm, I'm a Senator."

He was furious, he wanted her to reason with him. Not go against his wishes, "If you follow your thoughts through to conclusion, it will take her to a place she cannot go. Regardless of the way you feel about each other."

"So you're saying she does feel something." He cried.

"But I will not let you give up your future for her."

"You're asking me to be perceptive. That is something I know I cannot do in this case. Y/N is the one thing that I love regardless of what you think my decision should be."

The tone in his voice made him dumbstruck. Padme suddenly became confused with him. "But believe me, I wish that I could just wish away my feelings, but it's too strong. I love her Padme, I truly, deeply—— love her." He whimpered, starting to cry from how his feelings were taking over in this case.

"Fine then, if you love her so much. Then maybe it's time you should tell her instead of me." She walked out the door, as you heard her footsteps, you rushed to the wall, holding a staff while standing up straight.

"And what are you suppose to be doing?" Padme questioned with you, letting out her anger on you. "I'm just making sure that no enemies will come your way Senator. Better safe than sorry."

"Thank you Y/N. I don't know what anyone would do without you." She walked back to her room, getting ready for bed.

You took off your armor and went inside to see Anakin, with a gown you've been hiding under your uniform. "Anakin, what's wrong?" You asked so calmly, rubbing his back, not wanting to leave his warm body as your hand caressed with the back of his neck. "Do you mind telling me about it?"

He began pecking your hand, working his way up your arm, "I love you so much. He was out of breath.

"I love you too y/n," as your lips met with his, cupping his cheeks with your hands, as his hands caressed your neck, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs.

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