everything's gonna be okay (fluff)

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You finished eating dinner at the cafeteria, filled with clone troopers who all wore the same uniforms and the same outfits, and entered through the hallway to meet up with Omega for more details on the mission you were assigned.

Once you saw Omega, her eyes lit up and paused her conversation with one of the Kaminoans, and they both walked up with you with an intent on preparing the mission for you "Paula, I'm so glad you're being assigned this mission, how are you feeling about it?"

You sighed, resting your shoulders as you gave her a grin "I'm feeling alright about it, though I'm a little bit scared, this mission isn't like any other mission I've been on. I'm hoping things will work out fine but, other than that I feel good."

Her small figure slowly walked up towards you "I figured you might've said something like that, so I thought why not you be assigned a partner on this mission."

Your eyes widened with joy, you hoped that Tech would be apart of this mission, since he was your boyfriend, and his whole squad practically had some sort of suspicion that you two had some sort of attachment going on.

You both decided to take the risk of still being together, because you both dangerously were in love with each other, every much.

"Who's my partner?" You asked out of curiosity.

"Since you're apart of the 501st Legion, do you happen to know any members of Clone Force 99?"

You could've sworn she was going to say Tech. But, you figured that maybe Hunter would be your partner, since you've seen that he's more rough around the edges when it comes to fighting and Tech is more of a messenger than the type of person that does things on his own, and definitely plays by the book.

You nodded "yes, I do. I know all of them very well."

You surprisingly noticed that the Kaminoan on her left held onto a hologram, turning it on to show a projection of who you were able to identity very well.

"Do you recognize this clone?" She asked out of curiosity.

You definitely knew who it was, his name was "Tech— yeah I know him."

"Excellent, this is who your partner will be for this mission, so make sure to get enough rest and be prepared for the morning tomorrow."

You bowed down to her "thank you Omega."

"My pleasure" she bowed back, exiting out of your sight through the hallway.

Once you were arriving back to your room, you noticed Crosshair, Hunter, Wrecker, and of course, Tech, who was across from you from a distance. You snuck up on him and waited for him to walk past you to let him feel you through the Force.

You noticed him growing a slight smirk, knowing what you were about to do. You then pulled him into your dark room through the Force, and locked the door shut.

You went in and slammed your lips onto his, wrapping your arms around his neck as you felt his arms at your waist. You finally released him, giving him the time to relax for a bit "Paula, my dear, I've missed you."

"I've miss you too Tech" you said softly, slightly jumping off the ground and back onto his grip.

You gave him a chaste kiss "I have good news."

"What is it?" He asked, wondering what the news could've been that was so great.

You looked down at him, curling your bottom lip forward "I've been assigned to go on a mission."

He widened his eyes, you hadn't been assigned a mission in so long, your group of clones had been put on training for the past couple of months.

"That-thats amazing. Do you have a partner?"

You comedically hummed slowly "speaking of partner, as a matter of fact, I do have a partner."

He slowly trailed his hands up your arms, rubbing it slowly "who is it my love?"

"It's you. You're my partner. We get to go on a mission, together, and be together when we fight."

That's wonderful darling!" He said, holding you close to him as he picked you off the ground in his strong grip, spinning your figure around as he finally put you down.

You both loudly chuckled, most likely loud enough for other people to hear.

You both lied down on your bed, feeling his arms wrap around your back, while giving you little kisses on your forehead.

You rested your head on his bare chest, he had taken off his armor before he sank his back on the mattress, exposing the white night gown that hid behind it.

His touch was at the right temperature, you could've sworn you'd forgotten you were awake the entire time.

"I'm excited about the mission and all but, this is the first mission I've been assigned for in a while. For the past couple of months I've been focusing on training and now I'll be have to be challenged by other clones."

He leaned his head down to kiss your cheek, and rub tiny little circles over it "don't worry angel, everything's going to be okay."

You stretched your neck backward, looking up at him with doughy eyes in question "you promise?"

He softly, but, slightly chuckled, smiling at your innocent expression that was in the dark "I promise."

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