•only romantic (one shot)

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As you woke up from your sleep, you swung your feet over your bed as you did your usual morning routine.

Brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and monitoring your skin. That was all you've done every morning. The only thing that each morning so different was your choice of style. You'd usually choose your clothes based on how you were feeling.

As Princess of Coruscant, your maidens would put on the best outfit suitable for the day. Yours was an innocent white dress, you had to wear a corset with it, since you were so used to wearing them.

"Thank you my maidens" they bowed down as they all stood to the side of the room, one of them opened the door for you as you went out inside your garden, holding onto the bottom of your dress, letting your feet freely walk from any signs of falling.

The voluminous garden consisted of many blooming flowers and lemon trees each morning.

In front of you were two Jedi Knight, both you've known your whole existence, at least one of them. The golden haired Jedi Master bowed down to you

"Good morning your Majesty."

"Good morning to you too my dearest friend." You bowed as his blue eyes glimmered in the bright sun.

"If you'd like, May I introduce you to my padawan learner?"

You smiled "of course."

"This is Anakin Skywalker" He bowed down to you, as you mentally embraced his beauty. Catching a glimpse of his gloved hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you your Majesty." He took your hand as he gave it a little peck, you felt his warm touch as you began to chuckled.

You thought of him as quite a romantic himself, blushing unconsciously. Obi Wan cleared his throat as he began on with his conversation with you.

"I will get to the bottom of the assassination threats against you your Majesty. These threats will soon become unspeakable rumors, if not, theoretically possible."

"I will be most grateful for your work Master Kenobi."

He grinned "Anakin will be your bodyguard, I hope he don't try to do anything foolish."

He looked at Obi Wan "oh I won't try to do anything foolish, she's safe with me" he grinned at you as you smiled back at him.

Obi Wan sighed "alright then. Off I go." He left your building with the rest of his small group of clones.

You watched him leave your building.

"So, where shall we start my Princess?" He naughtily asked.

You gave him a house tour. The kitchen, your bedroom, the bathrooms, the bathtubs which were separate from your bathrooms, the dining table, the guest room, the conference room, the living room, and the fireside room.

There were plenty of rooms to choose from. Anakin chose the fireside, as you turned on some royal music.

He took out his hand as he bowed, hiding his gloved hand behind his back. "Will you take my hand M'lady?"

You took out your hand as it met with his, he then immediately held you by the waist as you held onto his broad shoulders.

You slowly waltzed around a small space for what felt like an hour or two. You rested your head onto his shoulder. You started to wonder why you felt you had some sort of connection with him, after only knowing him for a couple of hours.

"You truly are a romantic, Skywalker." You said. He brought your closer to the ground as he twisted to his side, still holding onto your grip.

"And you, are my only romantic."

You went inside of your garden, it was very big, you picked onto the daisy and plucked each petal.

Anakin, sat next to where you were as your head was laying onto his lap. He played with your hair gently, you loved the feeling as you felt tired.

"Do you know what it feels like to be loved?" You asked, looking up at him from your distance.

"I've never known the true meaning of such love coming from one person. But I'd love to find out." He saw his head getting closer to yours.

As his lips found yours you dropped your daisy as you felt his warm hands cup your cheeks. The sweet tender feeling of his lips sucked onto yours. It was magnificent.

You moaned as he found his way down your neck, leaving love bites behind as he was on top of you. He held onto the sides of your waist as you held onto his shoulders.

You became worried, wondering how Master Kenobi would've felt if he noticed Anakin getting to comfortable with a Princess.

"What if Master Kenobi finds out?"

"He won't have to know" he met with your lips again, his lips tasted like freedom and loyalty. The juicy tender feeling of lustfulness rose as you felt something go up your inner thigh.

You gasped as it found your way above your panties. "Anakin please, not here"

"Yes here" he found your touch again as his lips ran down your cheek to your most sensitive part of your neck. You softly moaned as you removed his robe, only seeing him with nothing but with no shirt left on.

He got a little too comfortable as he softly pecked onto your half exposed breasts coming from your dress, up to your neck.

You felt as though this was turning into something that it wasn't. "Wait wait stop" he let go from your touch.

"I'm a virgin."

"Don't worry, I am too." Your eyes widened at how a man as handsome as he was could turn out to not experience any sort of intercourse. 

The day was over as you put on your robe from your nice shower, wanted him to stay over but it was mandatory for him to leave that day. After that day, you would see him more than you would sleep.

"Goodbye Anakin" you said, holding onto the door that was halfway open.

"Goodbye your Majesty."

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