Chapter 2 : "Don't Get Us In Trouble"

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~The next morning~

Eunji wakes up in her bed. 'Did the Bang Chan really drive me home...or was it all a dream...' she thought out loud.

She turned on her phone and went to her contacts list...and sure enough, she saw Bang Chan's contact info. Eunji sat up, eyes wide open in shock. "No...way..." she said as she began hyperventilating.

Eunji began to giggle and wiggle in bed due to the happiness that she felt knowing that it wasn't all a dream. However, her excitement came to a halt when she realized..."I'M LATE TO PRACTICE!".

Eunji leaped out of bed, showered, brushed her teeth, and got dressed.

Eunji's outfit of choice:

She rushed out the door and caught the train to the JYPE company building where she trained

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She rushed out the door and caught the train to the JYPE company building where she trained.

~Eunji arrives at the JYPE company building~

She ran inside hoping to make it to her training room as soon as possible when...she noticed some familiar faces as she ran through the hall: Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han Jisung. Eunji couldn't believe her eyes. As much as she wanted to stop and take the chance to talk to the three, she had to prioritize her training; her job was on the line here!

Bang Chan made direct eye contact with Eunji as she zoomed by. As Eunji made it to the elevator at the end of the hall, she freaked out over the mere moment that their eyes met. 'Did Chan...recognize me just now..? I mean...there's no other reason he would've looked at me like that...other than me running...' she thought to herself with a slight smirk on her face.

Eunji patiently waited for the elevator to come down when Chan, Changbin, and Jisung walked up to her.

"Hey, you're the girl I met yesterday, right?" Chan said enthusiastically.

Eunji blushed and looked nervously over at the three. "Y-yea! ...I didn't expect to see you so soon." she giggled softly.

"Me neither. I was actually just thinking about you. I wanted to know what your name was...I forgot to ask you." he smiled at her as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh! I'm Baek Eunji...I should've introduced myself..." she shyly looked towards the elevator as the doors opened. "Uh...I'm sorry about this but I do have to get to practice..." she said as she got on the elevator.

"Oh no worries!" Chan replied.

"We do need to go up though so I hope you don't mind us joining you in this elevator Ms. Baek." Jisung said calmly as he entered the elevator.

Eunji started playing with her fingers and moved towards the button panel. "Oh, I d-don't mind...and please, call me Eunji." she said shyly.

Chan and Changbin walked into the elevator. "We're going to the 10th floor. Could you take us there?" Changbin said kindly.

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