Chapter 23 : "Hyunjin - Part 1"

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~The next morning (6:30 a.m.)~

Eunji wakes up before Minho. She lays in bed, watching him sleep for a few minutes. 'I love how peaceful he looks when he's asleep...' she thought before getting out of bed.

She stretched a bit before deciding to practice the dance for her song as she waited for Minho to get up. She didn't put much effort into the dance so that she wouldn't wake Minho up.

She practiced for about 20 minutes before getting hungry. 'He's taking too long to wake up...' she thought as she left his room to shower.

The outfit that Eunji chose for the day:

After showering, Eunji went to the kitchen where she found Seungmin trying to make French toast

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After showering, Eunji went to the kitchen where she found Seungmin trying to make French toast. "Hey Seungmin!" she said as she ran up to him.

Seungmin turned around and waved at Eunji happily. "Morning!" he said, "Want to try my French toast?". He pointed at a plate of already done French toast.

Eunji nodded 'yes' and took some. It didn't taste too good and she wondered whether she'd tell that to Seungmin or not.

"How is it?" Seungmin asked with an innocent look on his face.

Eunji's heart started racing. 'Why the hell are you so cute?!?' she asked herself in her head. 'How am I supposed to tell him that the food is bad...'.

Eunji took a long, deep breath as she gained the courage to say something. "I-" she started before being cut off.

"Hey, what's cookin?" Hyunjin asked as he walked up to the two.

"French toast!" Seungmin said enthusiastically.

"Oh, sounds good. Save me some for later." Hyunjin said, "I'm going to be taking Eunji out so we won't be back for a while.".

'He's taking me somewhere?!' Eunji thought before noticing the French toast on the stove burning.

"No worries! I'll save you some!" Seungmin said.

"Hey, the food's burning-..." Eunji said as she pointing at the stove.

Seungmin quickly turned around and started complaining about the food being ruined as he scrapped the food. "These ones were gonna be perfect..." he whined.

Hyunjin started laughing. "Don't feel bad Seungmin. Just try not to multitask when cooking next time." he said.

Seungmin ignored them as he was too busy sulking over the food. Hyunjin then shook his head as he grabbed Eunji's hand and took her outside of the dorm.

"So..." Hyunjin started, "Minho texted me last night and said that he'd let you date me...if that's true, do you mind if we go out on a date right now?" he asked.

Eunji smiled softly. "Yea, I don't mind! I'd love to!" she said.

Hyunjin smiled back before putting his arm around her shoulders. "Then let's go get breakfast somewhere elsewhere." he chuckled as he pulled Eunji along with him to his car.

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