Chapter 14 : "I'll Be Your Distraction"

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"Can you answer me please?" Eunji asked firmly.

Chan sighed for a second time before answering: "To be honest...I knew of you long before the night we met..." he said.

Eunji was confused. 'What is he saying???' She thought. "What do you knew of me?" she asked him.

"There were some girls from the group 'NMIXX' who said that they had a friend when they were trainees who they were sure was going to debut with them." he started, "They showed me pictures and videos of a really sweet girl who turned out to be you. Some days, I would see you at the company building going to practice or meeting with staff." he said.

Eunji was shocked to hear this but kept quiet.

"Seeing the way you interacted with people...seeing you smile...seeing how hard you worked...everything about you made me fall in love with you." he said calmly. "A few months went by of me watching you until I realized that what I was doing was stalking I decided that instead of watching you, I'd talk to you and get to know you.". He blushed a little before sitting up and looking at Eunji. "That's why I was so quick to warm up to you...".

"You...stalked me..?" she asked as she sat up. 'As much as I like him, stalking is creepy as hell...' she thought, 'I can't tell if I should be flattered or upset...maybe I'm both...'. Eunji stared at Chan, conflicted with how she felt.

She idolized Chan for years and she thinks he's amazing...but does that excuse stalking...or not...

"I...uhm..." Chan said, realizing that what he said probably should've been kept to himself. "Yea...".

Feeling conflicted, Eunji wanted Chan to leave her alone so that she could process everything she had heard and decide if what Chan did was wrong or not.

"I don't think...I want to talk to you right that ok..?" she asked shyly.

"Yea..! Of course..." he said, somewhat sad by what she asked of him. Chan then left Eunji's room, weakly smiling and waving to her 'goodbye'.

Eunji laid back down and tried to think. A few minutes went by and she still couldn't figure out how she felt about the situation. "This is so freaking annoying! What the hell?!" she yelled out loud, kicking her legs into the air.

"What's 'freaking annoying'?" Minho said, standing at her room door.

Eunji sat up quickly in shock. "How long have you been standing there?" she asked confused.

Minho walked into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. "Since Chan left, pretty much." he shrugged as he sat next to her on the bed.

"Why are you so weird?" Eunji asked as she punched his arm playfully.

He smiled at her before he asked his question again: "What's 'freaking annoying'?".

Eunji explained to Minho what Chan said to her and how she felt about the situation.

"Should I forgive him...or make him earn forgiveness...or what? I have absolutely no clue how to deal with something like this." she confided in him.

"Just do whatever gravitates to your liking the most..." Minho said.

Eunji looked down sadly. "There are so many feelings that gravitate to my liking..that's the problem..." she sighed, "I just want to take my mind off of's really messing with my anxiety having to think about this so much...".

(Smut starts here)

Minho slid his index finger and his middle finger into Eunji's mouth, holding her mouth open with one finger and massaging her tongue with another. "Then I'll be your distraction from the situation~" he said flirtatiously, "is that fine with you~?".

She nodded 'yes', slowly as she looked into his eyes and grabbing onto his arm.

"Suck my fingers, Jiji~" he demanded with a subtle smirk on his face.

Eunji quickly obeyed him and closed her eyes as she began sucking his fingers. As she did that, Minho put his free hand into his pants and began stroking.

Minho blushed as he watched her. "I hope you like that~" he said with a soft grin on his face.

She nodded her head 'yes' before taking his fingers out of her mouth and looking at him. "" she stuttered, trying to find the courage to ask him a question, "c-could you...touch m-me..?" she asked shyly.

Minho took his hands out of his pants, pushed Eunji onto her back, and crawled on top of her. "Speak up. I couldn't hear that pretty voice of yours~" he said as he grinned and ran his index finger down her neck.

"Could you t-touch me..." she asked louder before continuing, quietly and looking away "...please?".

He smiled. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Minho asked before backing off of her and spreading her legs. "I don't have to worry about anyone else's cum in you, right?" he asked as he squeezed and rubbed her thighs.

Eunji shook her head 'no'. "I've already d-dealt with that earlier..." she said shyly as she slowly began to blush.

"Good." he said as he removed her panties and put it in her mouth. "Hold it there for a second...I wouldn't be able to focus if you get too loud~" he said before shoving four of his fingers into Eunji's cunt and rubbing her clit with his thumb.

"Mmm~!" she moaned as she bit down on her panties. She grabbed onto Minho's forearm tightly from the sudden insertion of his fingers.

He started to finger her and rub her clit slowly. " shouldn't hurt~" he said, "You're already soaking wet~". Minho then lifted up her shirt and bra and started playing with her boobs.

Eunji watched his blushing face as he pleased her. He seemed to enjoy feeling her body. "How are you this fucking sexy~?" he asked, beginning to breathe hard from his excitement.

Minho took his fingers out of her pussy and showed Eunji his fingers. "Look at the mess you've left on my fingers~" he said before sucking off her pussy juices from his fingers, making eye contact with her as he continued to play with her boobs with his other hand.

When he finished sucking his fingers clean, he got closer to Eunji and grabbed her neck. "To be honest...I could play with you all day~" he whispered in her ear before taking her panties out of her mouth and kissing her.

Eunji kissed him back and stuck her tongue into his mouth. Minho did the same as he started to lightly choke her. Eunji began to tear up from this and tried gasping for air.

Minho continued to kiss her despite knowing it was hard for her to breathe. 'Who knew pain could feel so damn good~...' Eunji thought.

(Smut ends here)

Eventually, Minho let her go and backed away from the kiss. "Was that too much..?" he asked, feeling a little bad for being so rough with her.

"N-no! I like it!" she said as she pouted. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "You're not gonna stop...are you..?" she asked.

He stared at her for a while, thinking of what to do next. 'Maybe...I can test how much she wants me...' he thought.

Minho moved her arms off of him before standing up next to the bed. "How about this..." he started, "if you could stay by my side and interact with other people ONLY if I give you permission to...then maybe I'll give you what you want~" he smirked.

Eunji sat up and looked at him confused. "F-for how long?" she asked.

"Just for three days." he said. "This would also give you a reason to stay away from Chan until you know that you're ready to talk to him..." he continued.

This proposal was Minho's way of being selfish, wanting Eunji all to himself...but also his way of being kind, wanting Eunji to take time away from a stressful situation.

"I...uhm..." Eunji stuttered...not knowing what her answer should be.

This is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I welcome any and all feedback!
Stay tuned for Chapter 15 where Eunji experiences the sweeter side to Minho...

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