Chapter 21 : "For Me..?!"

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After the stylist finished yelling at Eunji, she then fixed her hair and makeup, very annoyed.

"This better not be a normal occurrence...I don't tolerate indecency nor do I tolerate people ruining my work." the stylist said firmly as she got done with Eunji's hair.

Eunji blushed, feeling bad for what she did. "I'm really sorry...I shouldn't have done that; it won't happen again." she said nervously.

The stylist stared silently at Eunji before nodding and leaving the room. "The director is here so go wait for him on the set!" the stylist shouted from the hallway.

Eunji's heart skipped a bit. She was excited but nervous. 'I have to give it my all!' she thought as she walked out to the set.

As Eunji greeted the director and went over the plan for the scenes that they would record, the guys stared at Eunji in awe.

'Eunji is so pretty...I kind of wish that I got a chance to fuck her...' Changbin thought to himself.

'I hope she'll get to be my wife one day...' Chan thought, still hopeful for a relationship with her.

'Would she ever love me the way that she loves Minho?' Hyunjin thought.

All of the guys wanted Eunji...but at the moment, Eunji only wanted Minho.

Eunji then went onto the set and the recording started. Eunji felt nervous having everyone watching her but seeing Jeongin, Felix, and Seungmin silently cheering her on made her feel a little more confident.

She continued to grow more and more confident as hours of recording went by. All of the guys were proud of Eunji and were excited for her.

Eventually, the recording for the day was over. Eunji ran up to the guys with a big smile on her face. "Did I do good???" she asked, bouncing up and down.

Hyunjin side hugged Eunji and grinned. "You did amazing! Better than anything we could do!" he said.

Eunji blushed. "That's not true...but thanks anyway." she said shyly.

"It is true! Have some faith in yourself!" Han said excitedly, "You really were amazing!".

Everyone else joined in, agreeing with Han and Hyunjin. Eunji began tearing up from the amount of support that they had given her. "You guys are the best..." she said, blushing.

After a little while of swarming Eunji in compliments, the group then headed to the parking lot to their cars.

"Hey Jiji, do you wanna hang out with me and Felix tonight?" Hyunjin asked nervously.

Eunji looked up, thinking of an answer. "Ummmmm..." she said quietly.

Minho walked up to them and put his arm around Eunji's shoulders. "Not tonight. We're busy." he said before walking away with Eunji.

Eunji looked back to look at Hyunjin. He had a sad expression on his face before he walked away. Eunji felt bad for Hyunjin and his energy rubbed off on her.

As Minho and Eunji arrived at his car, Minho noticed that Eunji looked upset. He knew that it had to do with he came up with an idea. However, he wouldn't tell her his idea just yet.

"I'm going to take you to the beach, ok?" Minho said as he opened his car door and pulled out a bathing suit for Eunji.

Eunji smiled a little. "That sounds ni-" she started before being cut off by Minho suddenly began removing her clothes.

Eunji blushed but stared silently, in shock, at Minho as he undressed her before putting on her bathing suit.

The bathing suit that Minho put on Eunji:

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