Chapter 16 : "What Am I Doing"

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Minho and Eunji return to the dorm in silence. Eunji goes inside and sits in the living room while Minho puts everything they bought into her room.

'I hope she's not upset with me...' Minho thought, noticing how quiet she's been since the mall. When he finished bringing her stuff in, he locked himself in his room.

Eunji couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the mall...she couldn't stop thinking about what Minho said... 'Does he...really consider me...his girlfriend..?' she thought to herself.

Eventually, Hyunjin entered the room and sat next to Eunji. "Hey Jiji, is everything alright?" he asked as he put his arm around her shoulder.

Eunji snapped back to reality and looked at Hyunjin. "Y-yea, I'm fine!" she said with a nervous smile. 'Wait...Minho said I wasn't supposed to interact with anyone else unless he gives me permission...' she remembered before slowly turning away from Hyunjin with a sad look on her face.

Hyunjin noticed this. He put his finger on her cheek and made her face him. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked with a serious look on his face.

Eunji looked down and didn't say a word.

Hyunjin took her hand and stood up before he pulled her along to his room. When they entered the room, Hyunjin locked the door behind them. "You can talk to know that, right Jiji?" he asked as he hugged her.

Eunji nodded 'yes' as she hugged him back. "I know...." she said quietly. She felt bad for breaking her promise to Minho. 'He doesn't know should be fine...right?' she thought to herself.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" he asked as he rubbed her head.

She sighed and backed away from him. "Nothings wrong really...there's just a lot on my mind." she said with a soft smile, "I don't really feel like talking about it. Thanks for your concern though." she quickly bowed.

"If you say so..." Hyunjin said as he slowly looked to the side. He then crossed his arms and thought to himself for a little.

"Is there something on your mind?" Eunji asked curiously.

Hyunjin looked at Eunji with a nervous smile. "Do you think...that you can give me some...attention..?" he asked as he ruffled his hair.

Eunji blushed and looked away from him as she pushed her hair out of her face. 'I can't turn him down...I've always had a crush on him...' she thought to herself. '...Minho won't know so...'. Eunji looked up and got a little closer to Hyunjin, shyly smiling. "Y-yea...I don't mind..!" she said.

(Smut starts here)

Hyunjin pressed his body against Eunji's as he ran his hands along her body. Eunji's heart started racing a bit as she unbuttoned his shirt.

Eunji kissed Hyunjin as she ran her hands along his abs. As the two were making out and feeling each other, Hyunjin then took out his already hard dick before lifting up Eunji's skirt and moving her panties to the side.

Eunji then put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as they made out. Hyunjin put his arms between her legs and lifted her up. He then held her against a wall, still carrying her, before sliding his dick inside of her and thrusting slowly.

The two moaned a little, still not backing away from each others lips. 'My Hyunjin fantasy is really coming true...I'm actually having sex with him...' she thought to herself. 'But...if it were Minho....he would've been rougher...'. Eunji stopped making out with Hyunjin and looked away from him.

"A-are you I doing something wrong?" Hyunjin asked worryingly.

"N-no, everything is a-alright...." Eunji answered shyly before she laid her head against Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin was somewhat worried but was too horny to stop fucking her.

'...why the hell am I thinking of Minho right now...I'm meant to be enjoying my time with Hyunjin...' Eunji thought.

Hyunjin took his dick out of Eunji after putting her down and pulling her towards his bed. He then laid down and gently pulled Eunji towards him. "C-can you ride me..?" Hyunjin asked shyly.

Eunji smiled softly and nodded 'yes' before getting on top of him and putting his dick back inside of her. She then began to ride Hyunjin's cock at a somewhat fast pace.

Hyunjin covered his mouth as he moaned pretty easily from every little movement that Eunji made on his dick. Eunji let out small whimpers, scared that Minho might somehow hear her.

The two were enjoying the sex so much that they could barely address each other through all of their compressed moans.

~Meanwhile in Minho's room~

Minho was lying on his back in his bed. 'I...shouldn't have called her my girlfriend...' he thought. '...she's Chan's girlfriend if anything...'.

He continuously doubted himself, thinking that Eunji felt uncomfortable with him calling her his girlfriend. Eventually, Minho realized that he grew hard from thinking about Eunji so much.

'Why does she do this to me...why do I want her so bad...' he thought as he took out his cock and started stroking it slowly. He became more and more horny as he jerked himself off.

'Shit...I want to fuck her. Why'd I have to mess things up...' Minho thought to himself.

He imagined all of the things Eunji could be doing to him right now. "What the hell am I doing...I should be with her...fucking her..." he said out loud as his lust took over.

Minho groaned and his eyes rolled back. "Fuck, I need her so bad..." he said before cumming all over himself. He didn't move and stared at the ceiling, being in a state of euphoria. He was breathing hard and his face was red from his blush.

As Minho came to his senses, he thought '...I need to make her mine...'.

~Back to Eunji and Hyunjin~

Hyunjin put his arms around Eunji and pulled her onto him. He then started thrusting into her fast as he began to make out with her again.

Eunji was close to cumming and it was obvious that Hyunjin was too. 'Hyunjin feels so good~' she thought as they made out. She started to cry from how hard he was fucking her.

Hyunjin pulled on Eunji's hair and thrusted into her one last time as he came in her, letting out a loud but gentle moan. 'This is almost as good as...' Eunji thought. Hyunjin being rough as he came reminded her a little of Minho.

This pushed Eunji off the edge and she came shortly after. Instead of thinking of Hyunjin, the one who made her cum, she thought about Minho. She felt a bit sad, not being able to enjoy Hyunjin without thinking about Minho.

Eunji then got off of Hyunjin and laid next to him but faced away from him. Hyunjin turned to her after putting his cock back in his pants and put his arm around her waist, spooning her. " know, if you don't want to have sex with us anymore, you could always tell us..." he said softly.

(Smut ends here)

"Wh-why would you think th-that I don't want to..." Eunji asked sadly.

Hyunjin held her tighter. "I just...feel like you've been getting uncomfortable around us recently...I don't want that for you." he said. "Please, just make sure to care about what you feel like is right for you, not what the rest of us would prefer you do.".

Eunji silently cried a little more. She wants to take Hyunjin's advice but she's conflicted with her feelings. "Th-thanks..." she said quietly.

Hyunjin grinned a little before eventually falling asleep. Eunji stayed awake, continuously thinking about what she wants to do...

This is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I welcome any and all feedback!
Stay tuned for Chapter 17. Will Eunji forgive Chan and go back to being only his? Will she forgive Chan but continue being in an open relationship with the other Stray Kids members? Will she try pursuing a genuine relationship with Minho?

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