Chapter 11 : "You're Adorable~"

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When Eunji made her way to the others, she found them bickering about what they should do for the day.

"We should go to the beach!" Felix shouted.

"No, we should watch movies!" Jisung contested.

"No no no! That's boring...let's go practice some dances!" Hyunjin said, seemingly feeling better from his hangover.

Chan shook his head as he face palmed. "You guys, please calm down...I'm gonna get a headache with all this yelling..." he said, gritting his teeth.

The boys, however, continued their loud disagreement about what to do.

Eunji walked over to Seungmin who was shyly watching the argument ensue, still blushing from earlier. "Are you alright? You look a bit sad." Eunji said worryingly.

Seungmin looked over at Eunji. "Y-yea...I'm just zoning out a bit..." he said quietly.

"Would you like to go back to my room? It's getting pretty chaotic here if you ask me." she giggled nervously.

Seungmin gave her a warm smile. "Wellll I didn't ask you..." he said jokingly, "but yea, why not?".

They both laughed before walking back to Eunji's room and sitting on the couch at the end of her bed.

"While those losers out there are fighting about what to do, how about we play some games?" she said enthusiastically.

Seungmin smiled and nodded his head 'yes'. Eunji smiled back as she pulled out some Uno cards from one of the drawers near her. The two then played Uno for quite some time before Seungmin asked Eunji a question.

" me?" he asked shyly as he placed down a card.

Eunji blushed a little as her heart skipped a beat. " you want me to like you...?" she said nervously as she stared at the cards in her hands.

Seungmin looked up slowly at Eunji, noticing her blushing, before he turned to the side. "W-well...yea..." he said.

She looked up at him, put her hand on his cheek, and made him face her. "Well then yes, I do like you." she said with a shy smile.

Seungmin put his cards down. "Do you think...that we could do what you did with the other guys...?" he asked nervously.

Eunji giggled shyly and nodded 'yes' before getting up and sitting on his lap, facing him. "You're adorable, Seungmin..." she said quietly.

Seungmin blushed. "Th-thank you, Eu-eunji..." he said nervously.

(Smut starts here)

Eunji then began to grind on him before pressing her lips onto his, gently kissing him. Seungmin kissed her back shyly. This was his first kiss and he had no clue if he was doing it right or not.

Seungmin grew hard enough for Eunji to feel through his pants. She backed off of him before getting on her knees and putting her hands on his inner thighs. "Is it ok if I take it out~?" she asked.

"Mhm~..." Seungmin moaned desperately, breathing heavily.

Eunji unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard cock. She slowly started stroking his cock whilst making eye contact with him. "Is this alright~? Do you like it~?" she asked flirtatiously.

"Y-yea...I love it~" he said with drool slowly dripping out of his mouth.

They both gazed into each others eyes, as if they were in a trance, while Eunji continued to jerk him off. Eventually, Eunji broke that eye contact when she shoved his entire dick down her throat. The sudden action made Seungmin's cock twitch a little as he moaned.

She slowly deepthroated his cock as she rubbed his thighs. 'If I could do this all day, I would...' she thought as she enjoyed the taste of Seungmin.

"Do you th-think you can...s-sit on it...?" he asked, out of breath.

Eunji stopped sucking on his cock and grinned at him. "Of course, baby~...". she said before taking her panties off and getting on top of him. As she slid his dick into her wet pussy, she leaned close to his ear and whispered "I love you~" seductively.

Seungmin put his arms around her tightly, moaning loudly as he felt her cunt engulfing his dick. Eunji then licked, kissed, and sucked on his neck as she rid his cock at a somewhat fast pace.

As Eunji was doing everything possible to please Seungmin, he was in a state of ecstasy. Seungmin has never done anything like this before. Feeling Eunji's warmth made him feel amazing.

Eunji then bit Seungmin's lip. "Will you cum for me~?" she moaned, pouting at him.

"I w-will~..." Seungmin replied before making out with her.

Suddenly, Eunji backed away from the kiss and moaned loudly as she began to have an orgasm. Feeling her warm liquids on his cock and hearing her scream in pleasure caused Seungmin to reach his high.

His eyes rolled back as his vision turned white. He thrusted into Eunji and held her body close as his cum flooded her pussy.

The two of them breathed heavily as they came to their senses. Eunji cuddled up with Seungmin as she fell asleep on top of him with his cock still inside of her.

(Smut ends here)

Seungmin didn't move, still lingering on his pleasure from his first sexual experience ever. He continued to hold onto Eunji as he fell asleep.

This is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I welcome any and all feedback!
Stay tuned for Chapter 12 where Minho gets jealous...

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