Chapter 5 : "I Want To F*ck"

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Then, Minho walked into the room. "What's going on here and why wasn't I invited?" he asked before sitting on the couch with the maknae's.

"We were just getting to know Eunji a little...we didn't think you'd be interested in that." Seungmin answered nervously.

Minho looked at him with a raised eyebrow before turning to Eunji with a blank expression shortly after. "Well you thought wrong." he said firmly. "So your name is Eunji?" he asked as he stared her down.

"Y-yes! Baek Eunji is my n-name!" she quickly bowed, intimidated by Minho's presence.

"I didn't ask for your full name but I'll let it slide." he said as he sat back on the couch.

"S-sorry, Minho o-oppa!" she said as she bowed again before looking to the side.

"I think you're scaring her Min-" Felix said before being cut off by Minho.

"No, I think she's alright." Minho smirked a little. He was getting aroused by her embarrassment. He began to blush before looking down. "I need you guys to fill me in on everything you know about Ms. Baek Eunji."

Eunji started blushing and shyly looked over at Hyunjin before looking towards Minho.

"We'll let you tell him everything you told us; that way, it's a bit more personal." Hyunjin said with a smile. "Don't worry, he's not as scary as he looks!"

Minho then glared at Hyunjin. "Don't make me hurt you." he said calmly.

Hyunjin laughed and looked to the side nervously. "Alright, alright...sorry.".

"Ok, so what did I miss? Tell me now." Minho demanded as he stared directly at Eunji.

"W-well..." Eunji said, struggling to look directly at Minho.

She then filled him in on everything he missed. She blushed, stuttered, played with her hair, and looked away from Minho the entire time. As scared as she was of him, she began feeling the same, warm sensation that Bang Chan introduced to her not too long ago. 'Why am I feeling this way...especially now of all times?!' she contemplated.

As Eunji spoke to Minho, he found himself growing hotter and harder. He ignored everything that the other guys added onto Eunji's statements as he could only focus on her and how her shy demeanor was slowly turning him on.

Minho smirked at Eunji. "What can I do to get you to-" Minho was cut off by the front door suddenly bursting open. It was Chan, Changbin, and Jisung.

"We're back!" Jisung said excitedly.

Everyone greeted the three as Minho sat on the couch, staring to the side, upset that he couldn't finish his question. 'I want to fuck her so bad right now...' he thought to himself.

"So have you all been getting along with Eunji?" Chan asked the others. "You weren't uncomfortable here without me, were you?" he whispered to Eunji.

Eunji shook her head 'no'. "I think we're getting along pretty well..." she said nervously, still thinking about Minho's intimidating eyes staring right into her soul.

"We had a pretty good time here! She was pretty nice company!" Seungmin said as he gently nudged her arm with his body. Eunji blushed from the sudden contact and looked away, embarrassed. 'Adorable.' Seungmin thought to himself as he noticed her expression.

"That's good! I also told Jisung and Changbin a little about you. I want to make you feel like you're one of us." Chan told Eunji as he ruffled her hair.

"Th-thanks!" Eunji said with a smile.

Everyone then eventually either went to their rooms or sat around in the open living space. Eunji found her way to the kitchen and decided to get a snack.

"Don't eat everything!" Hyunjin said in a joking manner as he walked by.

"I won't!" Eunji giggled. She found some strawberries and decided to eat some. That's when Minho walked into the kitchen for a drink.

"Hey..." he said as he grabbed a water bottle.

"H-hi Minho!" she said nervously as she bowed 90° to him.

Minho then put the water bottle down before grabbed her hair, gently, and lifted her head, making her face him. He moved a little closer, to the point where they were almost coming into contact with each others bodies. He smirked and brought his face closer to hers.

"You really have to stop getting so shy around me...I might just have to fuck you if you don't..." he whispered seductively to her.

"I-I....uhh..." she stuttered as her heart raced.

Minho stared at Eunji's lips. "What would happen if I kissed you right now..." he asked as he slowly leaned in. Eunji knew it was wrong if she let him kiss her but she couldn't resist him. It was hot how how aggressive and straight forward he was being.

But then, Chan walked into the kitchen. "Um...what are you doing to her Minho?" he asked as he approached them.

Minho pulled away and put his hands in his pockets as he turned to Chan. "Sorry but your girlfriend is hot. I wanted to try her." Minho shrugged.

Eunji looked down, embarrassed. Chan looked at the two of them, then he looked up and thought for a moment. 'Ever since we got back from the studio, the guys have been telling me how irresistible she is to them...I think...I should maybe let them...'. Chan looked over to Minho. "Look...I don't mind if you, or any of the others, decide to pursue in some sort of relationship with her, be it friendly, romantic, or sexual...but ONLY as long as she wants it." Chan said firmly. "And you better not hurt her..." he said as he walked away.

Minho grinned and chuckled before turning back to Eunji who was now hiding her face behind her hair.

(Slight smut starts)

"Hey, don't be shy now..." Minho whispered before pulling her into him gently by her waist.

"Mmm~!". She let out a sudden but soft moan as she felt Minho's bulge on her body. She closed her eyes tightly in attempt to shield herself from the embarrassing moment.

"Did you like that~?" he whispered as he slowly began thrusting onto her.

"Mhm~..." she said as she nodded 'yes'.

Minho slowly licked her lips before taking her hand and sucking on her index finger.

"Please d-don't stop..." she said, breathing heavily. Feeling his warmth, she began to moan a little.

Minho then bit on her finger and walked away with a smirk on his face.

Eunji watched him confused as he walked away. Her pussy was warm and she wanted nothing more than for Minho to come back to her. "M-Minho oppa!" she pleaded as she ran towards him.

He turned around and looked at her with a lifted eyebrow. "What?" he said coldly.

Eunji put her arms around his waist and held on tightly, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. "Why did y-you stop..." she pouted.

He blushed and looked away. "I want to make you wait a little see how desperate you get." he said before turning to her and running his hands through her hair. He smirked, pushed her away, and started walking to his room.

She watched him with a sad expression on her face... 'I want him so badly...' she thought as she watched him.

This is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I welcome any and all feedback!
Stay tuned for Chapter 6 where Hyunjin and Felix begin to make moves on Eunji...

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