Chapter 19 : "My Girlfriend"

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Eunji was the first to wake up. This was due to her phone vibrating from text messages sent by Chan.

"Hey. Good morning." Chan sent 14 minutes ago.

"Are you up?" he sent 3 minutes ago.

"I'm going to be taking your song to your managers today. I shouldn't be gone long. Ttyl!" he sent just now.

Eunji smiled as she responded to his texts: "Good morning! And alright...I'll see you soon hopefully! ^^".

Minho woke up as she sent the message. He then took her phone and turned it off.

Eunji sat up and pouted at him. "Hey! What was that for???" she whined with her arms crossed.

"Get dressed in something cute...something that'll go well with your song." he said as he got out of the bed.

"Why?" Eunji asked as she got out of bed.

"Just do it. I'll be right back. Wait here after you get ready." he said as he left the room.

'What is he planning...?' Eunji thought as she got clothes and headed for the bathroom. She then got ready for the day.

The outfit that Eunji chose to wear:

Eunji then headed back to her room and sat on the sofa at the edge of her bed

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Eunji then headed back to her room and sat on the sofa at the edge of her bed. She waited patiently but nervously for Minho to return.

About 30 minutes later, Minho then came back in a new outfit with a camera and a tripod.

The outfit that Minho wore:

Eunji smiled at him and subtly bounced in her seat

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Eunji smiled at him and subtly bounced in her seat. "Hey! We're matching!" she said excitedly with a bright smile on her face.

Minho smiled back as he set up the camera on the coffee table in front of them. He then sat down and looked at his phone.

Eunji looked at the camera and then at Minho. "Sooo what are we doing exactly?" she asked.

"We're going to do a livestream on our groups YouTube channel to promote your debut ourselves. I'm technically not suppos-" he said before Eunji cut him off.

"Wait what?! We can't do that! We've been seen together in public already. People might start speculating things about us..." she said worryingly.

Minho grinned and looked at her. "Well, people already believe that you're my girlfriend...that girl from the mall posted a video of the moment when I called you my" he said before being cut off.

Eunji looked at Minho in disbelief as she shouted, "And you're ok with that?! What will your fans think?!? Why would you gi-" she started before Minho cut her off.

"You didn't let me finish." he said firmly. "So today, I'm going to tell Stays that you're my girlfriend as well as promote your debut to them. And no, I don't care if we lose fans over this...our real fans will stay and support you as well as our relationship." he said.

"A-are you sure about this..." Eunji asked as she blushed and turned away from him.

"Of relax. I'm going to start the stream." he said before started the stream.

Eunji pushed her hair out of her face before playing with her fingers. Minho noticed this and took her hand and held it as he waited for people to join the live.

Eunji's heart started racing and she started to breathe heavily. 'He's really willing to do this just for me...? Does he want his fans to hate him..?' she thought. Eunji could not understand Minho's thought process.

After about a minute, there were 10k people watching the live. Pretty much everyone watching was asking about 'the girl sitting next to Lee Know'.

'Who is she?' , 'That's the girl from that viral video on TikTok!' , 'Is this a publicity stunt???' , 'Why is this girl with Lee Know?' the comments read.

Seeing these comments, Eunji grew embarrassed and looked away from both Minho and the camera.

Minho then put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to comfort her. He then looked at the camera.

"Hey...I know this live is random and you guys are confused. I just wanted you guys to meet Eunji..." he said as he patted her head gently, "she's my girlfriend and she'll be debuting soon. I would appreciate it if you all could support her through her career.".

He then turned to Eunji. "Say hi..." he said quietly with a slight grin.

Eunji blushed and shyly waved. "H-hi...?" she said nervously before turning to Minho, looking for approval.

Minho shook his head as he chuckled before looking back at the camera. "I'm not sure when exactly but she'll be releasing her debut song within this year as a soloist." he said before looking at the comments.

Eunji shyly scooted closer to Minho before cautiously looking at the comments to see what the fans were saying.

'I don't like her.' , 'I'll support her Minho!' , 'What type of music will she make?' , 'She's lucky.' , 'Eunji is really pretty!' , 'I no longer stan you...this is bs.' , 'She's living my dream...I hate her.' the comments read.

They were both surprised by the mix of positive and negative comments. The majority of comments were negative and it was discouraging but the positive ones made Eunji feel a little better about the situation.

"Are there any questions here that you want to answer?" Minho asked Eunji as he sat back and handed Eunji his phone. "Read the question out loud and then answer it." he added.

She took the phone and nervously checked for questions. Eunji saw a comment she wanted to answer. "Wh-what is the n-name o-of your song going to b-be?" she read shyly.

Eunji looked around, thinking of an answer before looking at the camera nervously. "We h-haven't decided on a name for it y-yet...but I was thinking 'Lollipop'...I th-think it fits the theme o-of the song well..." she said as she blushed before looking at the comments again.

"What is the song a-about..?" Eunji read. " song talks about things like Candy and ice c-cream...but the lyrics h-have a sexual meaning to them..." she said shyly. "B-but it's wasn't my idea to do that!" she shouted, a bit embarrassed.

'She is so damn cute...' Minho thought as Eunji nervously answered questions. He was hoping that she would gain some confidence from this. He didn't want her going into her idol career super timid. He want people to see Eunji when she's out of her shell.

Minho grinned as he admired her, eventually leaving him a little turned on...

This is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I welcome any and all feedback!
Stay tuned for Chapter 20 where Minho gets dirty with Eunji in places where they shouldn't be getting dirty...

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