Chapter 7 : "Don't Stop~"

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(Authors Note: This chapter is a bit of a slow burn and a longer chapter; my apologies.)

~The next morning~

Eunji woke up with Felix behind her with his arm around her waist. He was still naked from last night so his dick was coming into direct contact with her, turning her on a bit.

Eunji eventually got up and realized that Hyunjin was gone. 'I wonder where he went...' she thought as she walked out the room.

When she entered the hallway, she ran into Chan.

"Oh, hi Chan!" she said as she ran up to hug him.

"Morning, Eunji. Stayed the night?" he asked cheerfully as he hugged her back.

Eunji looked up at him and smiled. "Yea! I stayed with Felix and Hyunjin...I hope you don't mind." she laughed nervously.

Chan kissed her on the head. "No worries. I don't mind. As long as you're happy." he said. He smiled as he backed away. "Im sorry I haven't been able to spend much time with you like we planned...I'm just having a hard time making songs right now. I'll be in the studio for a while but I promise, once I'm free, I'll spend all day and night with"

"Deal!" she said excitedly.

"Great! I have to go now but I'll see you later. If you need anything, ask one of the guys here or text me." he said before kissing her lips gently.

Eunji blushed as she kissed him back. "Ok, I will! Bye Chan." she smiled.

Chan waved goodbye as he left the dorm.

Eunji went to the kitchen to find Hyunjin and Seungmin making pancakes. The two looked focused on making the pancakes perfect.

"Hey, good morning!" Eunji said.

"...morning." Seungmin said quietly as he poored the batter into the pan.

Hyunjin didn't respond as he was too busy watching Seungmin closely.

"Aaaalright then-..." Eunji said awkwardly, giggling as she walked away.

She sat on the couch in the living room next to Changbin who was on his phone. "Good morning." she said sweetly.

Changbin put his phone away and smiled at Eunji. "Morning Eunji! How was your first night here?"

Blushing as she remembered last night, she looked away shyly. "It was pretty great..." she giggled.

"Im glad you're enjoying your time here." Changbin said before pulling out his phone. "Wanna see this funny video I was watching?".

"Oooo sure!" Eunji said enthusiastically, scooting closer to Changbin.

The two watched funny videos until breakfast was ready. The interaction grew the two closer together.

"Come get your food before it gets cold! We're not bringing your food to you!" Seungmin shouted from the kitchen.

"Wanna eat together?" Eunji asked Changbin.

"Yea, why not?" he said as he headed towards the kitchen.

Eunji happily followed after him. Everyone got their pancakes and mostly went their separate ways. Eunji, Changbin, and Felix sat at the kitchen island to eat.

"Jiji, why'd you leave me this morning???" Felix pouted, teasing her.

"Becauseeeee..." she replied, acting annoyed (in a joking manner), "I didn't feel like waiting for you to wake up." she said before sticking her tongue out at him.

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