2. Sphere of fear and blackmail

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Thankyou author_panda for the beautiful cover

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Thankyou author_panda for the beautiful cover.♥️

As the sun stretches across the horizon,here emerges our dawn's champion,a sculpted figure of determination and perfection,none other than the Devyaan Shetty. With each breath he inhales new ambition and exhales any space for shortcomings. His blue eyes ablaze with the fire of ambition and possibilities that lie ahead.

After a stimulating workout,he strides towards the breakfast table,his muscles hum with healthy accomplishment. As he settles into his seat the clinking dishes and sizzling aroma welcomes him,and with a keen appetite he saviours his first bite but not before letting a small whine,"Mom,Dad, just like everytime you guys couldn't hold on for me,not fair!"
"Good morning is the foremost thing you're supposed to utter after you encounter someone in the morning",His father,Mr. Siddhant Shetty replied while his gaze was still lingering on the leading stories of the front page.

In some moments Dev's brother,Mr Ishaan Shetty intrudes,"So who would deliberately desire to postpone their entire schedule in the hope of a sluggish fellow." Dev instantly replies"Sluggish fellow! Seriously Anna? Perhaps you are in need of checking on those lazy asses for whom the day begins with the emergence of noon."

"Ohh enough!", Dev's mother,Mrs. Chaitra Siddhant Shetty puts an end to their usual bickering and continued "Dev I hope you recall you've a college to go and classes to attend and Ishu I assume you haven't lost track of the important meetings scheduled for today."

Dev's sister-in-law, Madhavi Ishaan Shetty, joins the conversation while sipping on her green tea"Buddy it suddenly crossed my mind that isn't your institution arranging a freshman social for new freshers today?"she asked Dev. Yes 'Buddy' that's what she calls him lovingly though he is younger to her both in age and relation.

"Yes they are" he replies while peeling his banana. "So aren't you going to attend it?"his mother questions. "Not in a mood Maa,you see it's been years of observing the union organise the same cliche ceremony every year with a substantial budget and identical arrangements consisting blaring tunes and boring performers. Must be indulging for the new ones but for us who repeatedly witness it .......nahh!"

"But your friends seemed to be quite enthusiastic about it when 3days back they made a visit here"Madhavi commented. "Must be for them Vadhina(SIL),their excitement seems to overpower even that of the freshers.To be honest they find thrill and enjoyment in every thing that doesn't concern academics"Dev replied munching on his toast.

"Is that so? But their marks say otherwise."
"Coz that's a secret between us Anna"he winked."But anyways what actually pisses me off is the management's negligence towards the adverse issues of ragging and bullying. Multiple times the students face distressing events on their very first day itself to be specific the girls but fail to complain fearing the terrifying aftermath from the bullies,and the handful ones who make a complaint are paid deaf ears.

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