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Phuwin was admiring the view , from his hot bath tub which was covered in bubbles.

Like what you see ? , phuwin averted his gaze to look at Pond who was looking at him , sitting at the edge of the white bath tub.

What ? is there something on my face ?

Phuwin nodded his head as a 'no'.

Mind if i join ya ?

NO !

Oh , Phuwin just don't act like you don't feel anything . You have been avoiding me since that pool incident . It's so hard to talk to you these days and

And what ?

this is stressing me out ! Pond said almost glaring at Phuwin.

So what ? me not giving into you makes you feel stressed ? I'm not just a cunt pond  

that's not what i mean

it's what you exactly mean ! Phuwin said getting up from the bath tub.

Phuwin knew that Pond was checking his naked glory out , which might look etheral in Pond's eyes.

I don't know this , if you want me , Marry me


i would never give myself  free for nothing naravit , Phuwin said closing the gap between him and Pond.

If you want me , earn me ! Phuwin said turning to  leave the bathroom. He did the traingle trick and he knew he was seducing his enigma again .

Pond hold him from the waist , without letting him go . Phuwin's body was pressed against Pond's clothed body. 

Pond inhaled his omega's scent which made Phuwin to arch his neck more , giving some space.

you deny it , but yet you 're carving for it , said Pond slowly taking his palm and rubbing the nipples of Phuwin.

mmmh.. this is ... sexually harassing 

but it doesn't look like so... 

b-but s-stop , said Phuwin unintentionally giridng his ass over Pond's clothed member.

you are such a liar 

you are vile



ahhh.. it was Phuwin's moan when Pond suddenly lifted him and took him inside the bath tub.

w-what are you doing ?

helping you to clean?

then why are you naked ?

Phuwin stop being a fucking baby

I- Phuwin just shut his mouth , feeling Pond who sat next to him .

come and sit on my lap

I am not ready to loose my v card ? hello ? Phuwin said turning his face to Pond

deal , just kisses ? i won't enter it to you , i promise , but i might rub it on your thighs ?

Phuwin just nodded , it was true that his ultimate goal to seduce his cursh but he felt like things were moving pretty fast.

Now Phuwin was facing Pond , both were staring at each other with lustful eyes.

Pond took the cigarette between his hands , smoking to Phuwin's face 

Phuwin inhaled the cinnamon smell which came from the cigarette .

you smell different , Pond said tracing his hand on Phuwin's hips while holding his cigar on his lips

Phuwin took Pond's cigarette and smoked , locking his eyes with Pond 


Pond chuckled , tracing his hand and Phuwin's lips , closing the gap slowly, throwing the cigarette .

May i ? 

A stream of hot kisses were shared between ' to be a couple'. Pond's lips traced on Phuwin's neck , gently biting the strawberry smelled skin , secretly looking at his pretty omega who was trying hard to supress his moans.

Then Pond attacked his nipples , almost sucking them. hard.

their 'small activity' was interrupted by his grandfather who suddenly came to bathroom looking for pond.

Geezez Pa ! Pond almost jumped out scaring the living shit out of Phuwin

You two should lock your bathroom , just for 'the safety ' , said Pond's grandfather leaving two horny fellows.

Oh my .. it's all your fault , Phuwin said lightly punching on Pond's borad shoulders.

hey , you wanted it too !

see , i'm bleeding on my nipples ! you ! almost ! ate ! them ! Phuwin said smacking Pond's head lightly.

woa ! they look so pretty


let me .. said Pond , finally licking the bleeding nipples which made Phuwin whine a little.

does it hurt a lot ? Pond asked with a worried tone

hmm a little ! 

i'll massage it 

ya! stop it ! why are you so obsessed with my nipples 

ya don't touch it , Phuwin said smacking Pond's dirty hands

i have a cream in my bedroom , i'll apply them on your boobies 

you shamless animal !

i'm obsessed !

shut up 

aha no way , Pond said giving a soft kiss on Phuwin's baby cheeks.

We better wash now 

i'll help you

Pond ! no touching !!! i swear to god if you try to -

c'mon i'm not a perevert , but i like your nipples they are juicy 

are you gonna shut up or ? 

sorry ma'am

It was small giggles which heard from their bathroom , let's say maybe  they had some little fun. ? 

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