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Phuwin's Pov

I came to the balcony , holding hanabi close to my cold body . FYI i just had my bath and i was wearing a silky black bath robe.

     you're a terrible cook Phuwin.. his words started to roam in my mind. I shook my head . I knew that i was a terrible cook but hia Jimmy and Papa never said anything to me back then. They silently ate the food i prepared for them. Papa always used to praise my food till he was hospitalized . But Hia Jimmy , no way !! So they ate my food to please me? they lied to my face so i won't feel bad ?

Tears were falling down from my eyes . I just can't stop crying . I mean I'm happy that Pond was being so honest with me but still Jimmy and my papa they ate the food they can't even eat because they wanted me to be happy always .

I feel so bad for them , specially hia Jimmy .. Hanabi started licking my face . 

Hana what are you doing ??? hmm ? you don't wanna see me cry?? aww my baby..

I kissed Hana's head . Did i make a bad decision by coming here ? Does he even like me? a little bit?? but he was honest means that he wanted me to grow up and face the reality right ? but still he hurts me... Arghh what should i doo .. I was shaking my head cause my mind was too loud.

Suddenly the Banner infront of the Mansion lit up ! i wiped my eyes cause i thought it was just another boring Advertisement.

       Wipe your tears now , I"M SORRY PHUWIN ! I'M REALLY SORRY

The banner was fixed after few glitches. I just couldn't believe my eyes .

Then another Ad appeared


wait did he just say that he's my bofriend ? wait how? when ? I just couldn't beleive what was happening . Did he has to take this really far ?? I mean he could have just apologized to me , i mean i was hurt but Pond did have a point but still ...

I was almost crying with a stupid smile on my face . Since when he became so sweet ..

I took my phone and was about to take a photo of the banner but it suddenly dissapeared.

                  WIll YOU FORGIVE ME ??

I was just stairing at the banner when suddnely i saw the fireowrks in the sky.

It said i'm sorry...

Wow, he's so extra .. i thought lauging to myself and wiping my tears. 

The banner was still there .. wow so he almost hired the banner to apologize me ? wow i can't beleive this .. I thought staring at the banner.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder which made me flinch a little bit

There was Pond who was holding a giant board saying " I'M SORRY''

I put Hanabi down and walked to him . Then i closed out gap by kissing his cheecks.

w-wait , so you are not mad at me anymore ?

Idiot ! would you think that i would give you a kiss if i'm mad?

you call this a kiss ?

what - w-wait u-

Pond pulled me from my neck and smashed his lips to mine. I was almost shocked but gave into the kiss because his lips were doing smething to me which i couldn't control. I felt like he was loosing my bathrob but i didn't stop him this time. He was just wearing his Sleeveless top and shorts.

He turned me around and start placing wet kisses on my shoulder , almost biting them softly. I closed my eyes because i knew that my body was longing for his touch.

Suddnely he stopped and lift my chin to face him.

you .. you didn't stop me this time 

                  I looked down, almost blushing

I know that you love me phuwin


I love you too ... sorry for taking so long to realise my feelings for ya .. Pond said kissing my shoulder again.

I turned around with teary eyes because this was too much for me to handle on a same day.

He kissed my forehead , wrapping the bath robe tightly.

let's go and have some dinner ? he said giving me his hand.

I put my hand on his giant hand. our fingers crossed . He looked at me with a soft smile , kissing my hand . I wiped my tears and put my head on his borad shoulders.

i will always love you phuphu , he said kissing on the top of my head.


yeah it's my nickname for ya ~ 

that's so lame 

nah it's cute 

I just laughed at Pond's antics.

We were walking towards the exit of the balcony then Pond suddenly stopped looking at me , nervously.



you know , i wanted to fuck you so hard on the first say i saw you were wearing my clothes .. i mean it was so hard for me to hold myself before jumping on you to devour you . But i was holding into my dear life , ignoring you because it was the only way for me to control my Alpha hormones around you . 

I'm sorry for ebeing a bad mate for you .. i promise you i'll treat you better.. till i die 

I just want to spend a good life with ya , i want us to grow old , have kids , travel the whole world with you .. i just want you to stay forever  with me  ... Pond said hugging Phuwin.

Phuwin just couldn't control his tears .. he felt bad for hiding his cancer from him but he had to because he didn't want Pond to suffer.

I - I just don't want you to regret for having me , said Phuwin breaking the hug.

I would never regret for choosing you phuphu .. you might not be my first lover but  you are my soulmate and we are meant to be togehter !! said Pond kissing Phuwin's tears.

I will always love you Phuwin ~

I love you too Pond...

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