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Phuwin was waiting , anxiously ; biting his nails.

Dr . Jimmy appeared with the results of his tests , with heavy steps.

Doctor how am i ?

Dr Jimmy rubbed his temples , yes the doctor was stressed out and he didn't know how to face this innocent omega.

You're in stage IV now Phuwin , I'm sorry .

hey , it- it's fine , Phuwin said wiping a rolling tear . So um.. how long i can survive here ? please be honest with me doc .

Jimmy let out a deep sigh , he stood up from his chair and grabbed Phuwin's hands kneeling down .

One year , exactly a one year .

Phuwin let out a chuckling , almost crying .

I- I'm so proud of you Phuwin , you are so brave , Jimmy said rubbing circles on Phuwin's hands. You knew how much it was risky when you decided to save your father from his colorectal cancer . Y- You used your power to stole his disease to yours so your father could live at least three months even though he was almost in coma . Jimmy was crying now , looking at Phuwin.

I - i did great right ? those three months were the happiest months in my life Phi . I mean i read to my father daily , he was the only one who was there for me when my mom passed away right infront of my eyes and i didn't wanna loose him too . s- so , i shared my blood cells with him after the ritual and because of that i got to spend few months with m - my dad phi , Phuwin said almost breaking down.

Yes , i'm so proud of you !!! always , said Jimmy hugging the crying Phuwin.

Phuwin hugged Jimmy tightly ,burrying his head on Jimmy's shoulders.

They broke the hug , staring at each other affectionately . 

Did you talk with Pond ? Jimmy asked wiping Phuwin's tears .

N-No phi , how can i ? I mean we are not even a couple yet , he didn't even propose me yet .

wait , that means ?

maybe i'm just a sex toy for him ? like the others ?

You stay here , i can take care of you Phuwin , I - I want you to be happy because 

I know phi - but what if i'm in love with Pond ? I - I want to dance with him , to carry his children , to visit many places with him but i- is it too much to ask ? I mean is too hard for me to love Phi ?

Jimmy hugged Phuwin , trying to control his tears . 

Phuwin was feeling greatful because his doctor Jimmy was so helpful to him from the begining , even before he came to Pond's house .

Shall i talk to Pond ? on behlaf-

No phi pelase , because feelings .. you know that feelings ? we can't force feelings right ? I will be just happy giving my body to him even it's just an year i have to spend in my life because i will always love him like i did before , said Phuwin with a deep breath .

okay , take these pills but be more careful from now on okay ?? you need to be happy , Phuwin.

Hmm , said Phuwin bidding goodbyes to doctor Jimmy.

When he opened the door he saw Mixxiw , who's eyes were swollen from maybe crying ?

Phuwin ignored him and walked past Mixxiw.

Phuwin , wait !! said Mixxiw following Phuwin

I- I'm sorry Phuwin

don't be sorry c 'mon , how much you heard ?

pretty much most of it ? i'm sorry 

it's fine but don't let Pond know about these stuff and thank you for arranging me this secret hospital visit , this means a lot !

Mixxiw hugged Phuwin , as in a way of apologizing .

yah , don't pitty me okay ? I'm fine i mean i have almost another year to spend with you guys ? okay na ?? Phuwin said returning the hug to Mixxiw.

always , text me na Phuwin ? please 

sure , Phuwin said smiling sadly, leaving Mixxiw to catch a taxi.

Little did he know that Pond was secretly spying on him the parked Ferari , infront of the hospital.

Mixxiw knew that Pond was following him , so he ran to the  ICU unit to avoid him .

What the hell is going on , Pond was busy in thoughts when he felt light taps on his shoulder.

Your Grandpa's vitamins , said Doctor Jimmy handing over him the pills.

Oh thanks bro , said Pond returning a small smile . 

What ? 

I need to tell you something important Pond , would you have a min?

but doc i -

this is about Phuwin . 

Phuwin ? w- wats wrong with him ? Pond asked nervously

Just follow me

Pond was following Jimmy like a lost puppy , his traumatic expericnes started to flashback , the way his parents were shot , the way his grandfahter had to conduct few surgeries due to his health issues , him being kidnapped as a kid , everything started to replay in his blurred vision. Pond covered his ears , almost bending down in the hallway .

Pond , are you okay ? he heard a soft voice 

pond , pond are you okay ? Pond couldn't see the face due to his blurred vision.


Yes it's me c'mon  , you are fine , you are safe with me ... Phuwin said hugging Pond which made Pond calmed down from his sudden panick attack . They broke the hug .

are you okay ? Phuwin asked cupping Pond's cheeks like a curious cat . Pond smiled a little looking at Phuwin.

Pond are you okay ?? 

Pond nodded as a reply . 

okay let's get out from here , Phuwin said helping pond to stand .

After a long time , Pond felt safe , he really felt that he was safe in Phuwin's embrace . Phuwin's smell was calming , maybe as my grandpa said he might have us his healing power to cure me , Pond thought looking at their hands , follwoing Phuwin slowly .

Jimmy was smiling to himself seeing this pair walking slowly out of the hospital . 

I really hope those two would marry soon , said Dr, Sea.

oi , when did   you arrive here ?

here , these are the testimonails of room 405 patient's , check em 

urrr , said Jimmy taking Dr. Sea's reports. 

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