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Phuwin was checking out the little sonogram picture which Jimmy gave him two months ago. It hasn't been even three months but their baby has already gone.

He saw in the corner of his eyes that Pond was about to leave the room. Phuwin has been in a coma for a week and Pond did take care of him everyday . But eventhough Phuwin woke up , they didn't utter a single word to each other.

Pond was there holding him , when he was having a mental breakdown , asking about the unborn baby..but they didn't talk at all.


Yeah ? ( Pond came back to Phuwin before leaving the room to grab some food for Phuwin)

Can i ..um talk to you for a second ?

Sure .. ( Pond sat in the corner of Phuwin's bed ; he saw that Phuwin was holding onto that little sonogram picture dearly..)

I- i swear to the gods Pond , i - I didn't kill my baby.

I know Phuwin, relax

I- I didn't kill the baby , trust me I didn't kill my baby I didn't 

( Phuwin was muttering the same thing again and again while crying , Pond hugged him )

I know..Phuwin calm down..please

I - i didn't kill the baby , Pond please t- trust me i-

Pond kissed on Phuwin's lips to calm him down.

Phuwin broke the kiss , looking at his Enigma and pressing their foreheads togehter .

Pond was rubbing circles on Phuwin's back.

I know ...Phuwin.. this is basically my fault too.. i did hurt you ..i did hurt the baby as well...so..the baby decided to leave us.. I'm sorry ... I'm sorry darling..all i did was being a jackass to you..i hurt you .. i was self centered and didn't give a fuck about your feelings .. thought u hated the baby which turned out you were just scared.. but what did i do? i fucking left you..i fucking hurt you when you needed me the most .. aren't i ?? Phuwin .. you deserve better ..i- i'm not a suitable one for ya .. i'm sorry for playing with your life and feelings but trust me i do love you.. i really do.. 

Pond said kissing Phuwin's hand ; Pond was crying too.

you know what ? i think i should leave you alone .. i mean you deserve to be happy..Phuwin.

B- but you made me happy.. Phuwin said wiping the tears from Pond's face

Did I ? but all i did was to use you and -

no..you do love me Pond , I know it ...you were just scared of your grandfather might hurt me..that's why you said those stuff to me becuase your grandfather wanted you to use me , and when your grandfather died you were hopeless.. you were scared that you would loose me too right ? 

H-how do you know ? 

Dunk told me.. you know you can't escape from the truth eventhough you wanted to..truth always wins..

But still i was such a trashy guy to you Phuwin , i didn't act like your Enigma at all..

then fucking act like a one !!

What do u mean ?

Pond , I have literally 2 months left to stay here and all i do wanna spend that time with you.. cause i love you..

I'm sorry Phuwin..i'm really sorry..

I'm sorry too.. so can you just go and bring me some dim sam? I'm hungry..

Pond smiled at Phuwin's cuteness.

I will baby.. take care.. Pond said giving a quick kiss on Phuwin's cheeks and leaving the room.

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