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i..i'm pregant   ...

  w-wait ? what ?

i'm four weeks pregnant ..

that means you can't have chemeotherapy right ?

yeah what should i do ?

what do you mean?

do you want this baby ? 

No way ..did you just think of aborting our baby ? fuck ! what the fuck is wrong with you Phuwin?

Nothing ! i- i'm just not ready to have a one yet , i'm still twenty !!

what do you mean that you are not ready ? 

I won't be here when my baby is born ! and i don't want her to suffer like both of us did without a mother !!!! i mean at least we both had our moms till we become teens . Why can't you understand me ?? and all these because u didn't wear a fucking condom !!! ( Phuwin screamed at Pond's face , almost trembling with unknown fears)

I don't fucking care if you''re ready or not but we are having this baby and i will take care of our baby ! Phuwin I will..our baby will have the best father in this whole world and remember our baby is gonna be fucking powerful . And don't act like you didn't want baby at all !

Does it even make any sense ? i mean, do you even care about me ? my feelings ?

A baby who's born to a special Engima and a special Omega is merely powerful and he or she will be an Engima who's able to change her/his  apperance and dissapear or appear whenevr she or he wants. And also they can hyptonize the others. They can hear the sounds we can't hear even the thoughts, they can read anyone's mind . So please.. just think about it 

why do you care about this baby so much ?

it's because of the baby i married you..

what? you're kidding right ! i mean was i stuck in a whole pit thinking that all these years that you have loved me ? Is this your fucking reason that you wanted to marry me eventhough knowing that i was dying ?

Yes ..so what ?

So you basically had sex with me to have this baby ?


Pond ! no !! why !! why are you doing this to me ? just why ?? ( Phuwin punched on Pond's face and grabbed his shouldrers, while breaking down with tears.)

And you don't give a fuck that i would die soon if i don't have chemeotherapy ?

i do ! 

fuck Pond ! stop ! just ..all these months ? really ?

Phuwin .. listen

to what ? to your fucking lies ?

I'm not lying

then what ?

I do want to spend my life with you , i do love you but i would die for the baby insdie your belly. I really do.  ( Pond said leaving their room )


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