Chapter 20 - Chasing Love

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NOTE - I know I have been absent due to my aunt being in ICU, now I am back to updates so please it is a request please comment & vote on this chapter so I can be cheered with your words if possible. It means a lot to have you all with me, thank you.



"Then let's just sleep together like every newly married couple".

I added more boldly, "We can marry anytime, so don't worry".

His eyes broadened at my suggestion, hand loosened around Ruza who was sleeping too soundly while I just winked at him and locked this moment in my heart. I finally felt at ease to be my old shameless self again who used to torment him with her wild remarks every time.

"Sleep together!".

He repeated as I just hopped right beside him, now he was in the middle and my hands were curled around his right one which instantly stiffened against my skin, he was shivering maybe due to his hatred for me or he must genuinely feel excited by my touch nevertheless I am not going to waste any second from now on while I have the chance to be around him.

"Simran, I think--

I put my fingers on his lips which were now shivering against my fingertips, he was so hardened that it felt like he had just frozen in time unable to accept me.

"You think too much mere kadhve pati (my bitter husband), chill and cuddle me into your strong arms".

I took his arm and placed my head on it before nuzzling into his chest comfortably. My ears blared with the reckless pounding of his heart, it felt like I could read his body language just by feeling him this close, the way he was failing miserably to hold his uneven breaths, even the way his heart was fluctuating dramatically and lastly the way his eyes darkly were stuck on me.

To me this moment was extremely precious, it didn't matter if my actions were absurd because, to me, I was finally with him: the man I fell in love with so recklessly that my heart would only beat for him.

"You are still shameless".

It was a mere whisper but I heard it clearly, my chin pressed on the right side of his chest as my eyes raked over his oceanic ones that were too stormy to even read his emotions but they were inevitably fixated on me causing my heart to stir wildly for him as being in his arms what I have longed for all these years.

Well, he was always the cold monster despite my inevitable seductive charms, he's such a piece of work.

"But you told me, you loved me for being shameless only with you".

"Simran, I don't get you sometimes".

"Me neither, I guess it is the undeniable charm of my unique personality".

He snorted rather calmly as I just snuggled more into him, leaving no space between us and still, I knew he was hesitant in even touching me but not that I cared as I boldly placed my lips on his bare skin blessing my ears with his shudder.

"Can't you just hug me? Or asking me to marry you was just an act to have Ruza in your life uhh?"

Suddenly, my lower back was hugged by his free hand and his legs were over mine as our bodies were glued together, everything screamed intimacy between us and it brought a winning smile to my face despite knowing deeply that my happiness with him might be a deception since he still doesn't trust me and it won't be easy to charm him either yet this man is mine, always will be only mine.

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