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Chapter 46

Octavia had been put into a coma. And Bellamy was the one who poisoned her, so she would end up that way.

Sage had gone through the 'having a kid by lab' motions. Jackson and Miller didn't want to know who was the father, so they just had another doctor switch it up.

Since Octavia wasn't able to rule, people were starting to debate over who was gonna gain Bloodreina's power. But with Octavia down, they were still gonna march on the valley.

Bellamy came to Lexa desperate. "I need you to be commander again."

"Hell, no." Lexa said.

"Lexa, you know what a commander means to the grounders. 6 years ago, you were one." Bellamy explained.

"And I still am." Lexa gritted her teeth. "But you don't understand what that power and responsibly can do to a person."

"You guided your people with Octavia to prevent a war over this bunker. How is this any different?" Bellamy questioned.

"I have children now." Lexa stated. "Madi, TJ, Fisher, they are all in jeopardy if I bring back the time of the commanders. They would be targets for people who want the power to rule. That's how. I don't care how many of those people still believe in the flame. They believe in Octavia aka Bloodreina more."

"They will be protected. As will you and Sage. Gaia and I..." Bellamy started.

"What will happen when Octavia wakes?!" Lexa asked.

"If she wakes up, we will be in the valley, and she will see what peace is like with her own eyes, and she will understand. I know it." Bellamy explained.

"She killed Diyoza's son! She chopped off his head and put it on a spike for Diyoza to see." Lexa stated. "She will never allow an alive Octavia into the valley. The answer is no. Now let's get out of here, before we all get arrested and executed for treason."

"Lexa..." He walked up to her. "Echo, Raven, Murphy, and Emorie are my family. I'm sorry. This is happening." He grabbed her hair and pulled.

"No, Bellamy, no Bellamy!" Lexa tried to make him let go, but he stuck her with a needle, which made her pass out.

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Bellamy dragged Lexa into one of the dorms in the bunker to see Gaia and Indra.

"Oh, well, would you look at this. Mother daughter traitor duo. You remind me of a certain Colonel and that beheaded son of hers!" Lexa growled and they looked at her confused.

They all knew this wasn't something pre-Praimfaya Lexa would say.

"Sorry." She let out a breath. "I've been around Sage for too long."

"I'll check on Octavia." Indra walked out.

"Lexa, do you know why you're here?" Gaia asked.

"It's because you guys want me to take control of the army." Lexa said glaring at them.

"It's ok, no one's gonna hurt you." Bellamy grabbed her arm.

"There are things happening that they believe only the wisdom of the Commanders can save us from, and as much as I wish it wasn't so, I believe it, too." Gaia admitted.

"You're talking about war." Lexa stated.

"We don't want a war." Bellamy said. "You know that. You know that some fights aren't worth fighting. Not when you have another way. You made that deal with Diyoza for peace. And Octavia's too sick to accept it now, but Wonkru won't follow anyone else."

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