Episode 1

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Sometimes I need alone away from people to clear my ideas even if they are always, I always dreamed of being a bird that flies far in freedom escaping from the reality that surrounds me. My parents weren't bad until the two of them started fighting and they used me as a punching bag sometimes I want to put a knife in their hearts like everyone else's, but well at some point at school not knowing where to sit I get next to a strange guy with headphones with his hand burned and another guy "Hi" i say, "Hi" James respond, "Can i sit here?" i ask, "Yes" he says, after some minutes another girl arrives and her name is Alyssa "Hi" she says, "Hi" we respond, "i see you in skate" Alyssa says to James "great shit", "fuck you" he says.



I was sit next to James when an a brunette girl arrives and ask to James if she can sit there, her name is Maxine and then an another one arrives it's Alyssa, "Hi" she says, "Hi" we respond, "i see you in skate" Alyssa says to James "great shit", "fuck you" he says.


Some days later James ask me to go on a date with him, i start to kissing him "What did you have in your hand?" i ask arrive there, "Shut up" he respond and i continue to kiss him, in our way to come back home i see Henry and Alyssa together.


Some days later when i was outside i see Alyssa alone and then after we talk we we sit in a bench where we kiss and then in our way to go back home i see James and Maxine together.


"I don't have a phone" Alyssa says, "Ok" James says, "Cool" i say, "I smashed it up" she says, "Ok", "Cool", "I cut it up on purpose" she says, "Ok", "Cool", "So you both can't call me" she finish the sentence, "Ok", "Cool", after some minutes of silence James says that even he don't have a phone, "I don't have a phone too" I respond, "Even me" Henry says and then James says "Do you want to go on double date?"

I come with James, and even Alyssa and Henry are here, "Hello what I can bring you?" the lady says, "But this is true?" Alyssa asks, "One of the top 10 greatest experience dining experience yes.. so you have choose?" she says, "I take a banana split with double cherries, blueberry pancakes and hot chocolate with cream" Alyssa says, "You have hungry?" The lady says laugh then Alyssa laugh sarcastically i know immediately when someone is sarcastic then she says "And a fucking extra spoon", "What?" She says shocked, "It's for him" Alyssa indicate to Henry, "And for me a apple with the form of a big dick" I say sarcastic and Alyssa laughs, "Listen, you can't use this language or i have to tell you and your two friends to get out" the lady says, "Ok, i'm sorry" Alyssa says sarcastic, "Sorry too" i say try to not laugh, "So now i take a banana shit but so big and with other fucking cherries on top" Alyssa says, "I understand if it's like this stop MARVIN" the lady shouts, "Yes call Marvin, see if Marvin can give me a banana split you fucking cunt" she respond getting up and exit saying "GOODBYE MARVIN", me, Henry and James get up and follow her "BYE BYE MARVIN" i shout.


Wow Alyssa was fenomenal with that woman "For me we are on the most boring town ever" Alyssa says, "Yes probably" James responded, "Everybody here are pussies" I say, "You know have money make them safe" James respond, "Are you boring too?" Alyssa replies later we go at James' house and Maxine find a photo of his mother "Is this your mother?" Maxine asks, "Yes she lives in Japan" James says, "Cool you look a lot like her" Maxine responds, After Alyssa and I made toast, James' father comes "I'm glad this you four really I never understood if he thought he was hurt I doubted he was gay and was in love with Henry and that might be okay and instead here you are" he says to Maxine, "Maybe i'm gay, maybe he is asexual" she says, "And maybe i'm her girlfriend" Alyssa respond, "We are valuting so many options in this days" Alyssa says.

"Your father is a dickhead" I say, "Yes i know sometimes i want to give a punch in his face" James says, "You have to do it" Alyssa says, "Absolutely" Maxine says after some seconds of silence she talks again "You two have licked a pussy?", "Yes" we both respond, "I want that you lick mine" Alyssa says, "And even mine too" Maxine says, "Right now?" James says, "Tomorrow at 11 am" she says going away.


The next day after an agrue with my parents i left home and go in James house find Alyssa half-naked sit in the couch and Henry being red in his face then we sit and Alyssa says "Can we go away from here?", "What?" i say, "We need to get out of this asshole town and now, we hate it, our parents are dickheads and you have a car" she says, "But it's my father's car" James says, "That it's an asshole, i go even if you don't want, okay?" she responds, me, Henry and James agree with Alyssa and when James' father return with the car he punched him and leave this town.

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