Episode 6

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In the night we stole a random car for go to Alyssa's father and we do it after the homicide the other crimes where easy comparing "where did you learn?" I ask, "I can do a lot of things" James says, "Like what?" Henry asks, "Embalm, make a dam and yogurt" James says starting the car, "My father will like you" Alyssa says and we drive and listen to a song but after hours listening we get bored and i throw it in the street "Does what we did make you bad? For that man?" I ask to James, "He was a bad man" he responds, "And that girls in the pictures?" Alyssa asks, "Yes we do the right thing kinda" Henry says, "We did the world a favor If I was the police the four of us would get medals" Alyssa says, "You right those assholes of the police" I respond, "Who knows maybe" she says to me, "Maybe yes" I say after hours Alyssa and Henry are sleeping back and James continue to driving it's morning "The car's battery was about to drain, so let's go to the gas station" I say to James and we arrive there, "Ok so I'll keep it running, you fill it up, but it won't take long to get to your dad's so we can leave quietly, okay?" James says to me, "Out of your shell, huh?" I say to him, "What?" he laughs then we make out and then i get out to get gas when the lady of gas station comes "Good Morning", "Hi" I say, "You need help?" she asks, "No i can do it" I respond, "Can't get gas with the engine on" she says, "What?" I say to her, "If you don't mind you have to turn off the engine" The lady say to James but she see the broken wires, Henry and Alyssa wake up after see the woman, i see Alyssa come out of the car for try to defend me "Hey maybe it's better that we can do this by ourself" Alyssa says to the lady but she push Alyssa and put the gas "A full tank?" The lady says, "No a bit" I respond, "The full tank it's always better don't you think?" she says, i know that she maybe got us "Yes ok full tank" I say defiantely, "if they find us for this I kill myself from shame" Alyssa says quiet to me, "Me too" i respond and after the lady full the tank she says "Let's go to the checkout" and then she got closer to me and me, Alyssa and the lady go inside i know that she finds out about us i start to get anxiety to a guy named Frodo, "These two ladies want to pay for pump number seven" The lady says, "Card or cash?" Frodo says, "Cash or card?" The lady asks, "is there a bathroom?" Alyssa asks, "No" she says, "But it's not illegal?" I ask, "So there's no" The lady says, "Yes we have a bathroom" Frodo says, "Shhh shut up" she says, "She wants me to wet myself?" Alyssa says, "And you want to call the police? So you can explain to them where did you take the car" The lady says, "I go to the bathroom" Alyssa says but get stopped by the lady, i fight against her when she throw something in the head make me fall.


I woke up when i see a lady talk with Maxine, i wake up even Alyssa, the conversation between Maxine and the lady was ok when Alyssa had a bad feeling especially when she talks with James but she see the broken wires "Stay here i get out" Alyssa says try to help Maxine in that situation and then they go inside with the lady and then i see Alyssa and Maxine attacked by that woman "Oh fuck James look" I say and we watch the whole thing, "I have a plan go with me" I say take the jacket of Alyssa's father and we enter "Hey, Let them go or I'll blow your fucking head off" I say shout to the lady, "You have only the hand there" she says, "No" I say, "I care my husband have guns" she says, "James shows this woman who we are and what we can do to her" I say with a smile in my face, "is a Glock 17MB with automatic system for the release of the magazine and recoil to 19 rounds." James says and i see Alyssa and Maxine smile "Frodo call the police" The lady says but me, James and Maxine we fight against the lady take free Alyssa and close her to the bathroom and Frodo smile to us "See the bathroom is here", after we start to go away Frodo talk to us "I don't like my life", "Do something" Alyssa says and then Frodo starts to make a mess the situation was getting worse, "Frodo" Maxine says, "But it's your name? they call you like this" Alyssa says, "Yes" he says, "Frodo now we have to go" James says, "Yes and faster" I speak, "Ok good and where we go?" Frodo asks, "What?" I say, "I'll come with you" Frodo responds and then he give at James and me some snacks and drinks and he go to take cigarettes and we take advantage of the situation to escape and we get in the car but switching places this time Maxine and James are behind us and I driving alongside Alyssa "Go, go.. Fucking drive" Alyssa says and then the we get away from there and we all cheer "We are fucking bandits" Alyssa says happy and then kiss me and the same James and Maxine, and we drive go to Alyssa's father.

And then we arrive "Ok let's go" Alyssa says, "You ready for this?" I ask to her, "Yes Henry we killed a maniac we're outlaws and I finally get to my dad, you know? Let's go" she responds and we all four go to the house but a strange woman open "Hi, Leslie is here?" Alyssa says to the woman, "Leslie don't live here anymore" she responds, "What?" Alyssa says, "I'm sorry, who are you?" The woman asks but Alyssa goes away "You know where he is?" Maxine asks, "Yes" The woman says and then we go where the woman says where he is, the car stops with no gas, "How did you know we have to go there?" Alyssa asks, "The woman says left and again left so i think is here" I say.

James and Maxine are walking after us, me and Alyssa we're a little behind when I see her stop "Hey something is wrong?" I ask to her, "And if he is asshole? Don't say to me that he changed home?" Alyssa says, "Maybe it's a recent thing" I respond and then put my hand on her waist reassure her and then we walk it's night and we find a trailer and i see Alyssa scared "Don't worry i'm here" i say we knock the door and he opens.. "Hi dad" Alyssa says.

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