Episode 8

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It's the next day we're in the police station, Bonnie was arrested for attempted murder, while Maxine sleeps and James to testify I see Alyssa waking up in panic "Hey is everything okay?" I say, "Yes" Alyssa responds, "Where is James?" she asks, "He is witnessing while Maxine sleeps" i respond, "You look tired" she says, "I didn't sleep the whole night" i respond, "It's better that you sleep a bit before we go away" Alyssa says "Okay" i respond, "I go to drink something" she gets up and i fall asleep.


I get up after sleeping and i see Alyssa's aunt next to me "Where is James?", "He is witnessing, your other friend is sleeping and Alyssa is take a drink" she says, "Okay" i respond i get up see Alyssa go away "Wait Alyssa where are you going?" i ask, "Clive's home" she responds, "Why?" I ask, "Do something, if you want to come with me, come, i left a letter to my aunt if you want to write yourself a letter "Dear James I'm going with Alyssa take care of you".


I was sleep when James wakes up me "Hey what?" i say, "Maxine and Alyssa are not here" James says, "Where they go?" I ask, "I don't know but look Alyssa left you a letter too "Henry i need to something i'll be back later (look after Henry)", "Oh my god" i say shocked "I have a bad feeling we have to find them" James says, "Wait you think that they end their life?" I say we stay in silence "We have to find them now" i exit get up in the car we go from for everything to his house, in the cabin but nothing and then we decide to go to Alyssa's ex's house but nothing, we go everywhere to the cafe that is now a crime scene but nothing.


I did not know where Alyssa wanted to go but after we get to a family street was Clive's house now for sale, we enter there the house is empty, deserted, quiet, comforting and at the same time restless and disturbing after all the events "Fuck" i say, "Yes i know" Alyssa responds, i got so many flashback when we were happy, i go upstairs and sit in Clive's room when i hear a voice scream my name "James" i say, "Hi" he says, "What are you doing here?" i ask, "Nothing" he says with shiny eyes, "Hey what? What happen James?" i ask worried of him, "The note of Alyssa and yours make me think.. about the worse.. you say to take care about me" he says, "Yes in the sense you take care of yourself i intended." i say, "I think you want to do something stupid with Alyssa" he says, "No i would never. and never James." i say we hug i miss his hug he feels like a baby "I would never leave, until death do us part" i say and then we kiss.


We had one last stop at Clive's house we enter and we start to search them and James go to upstairs, i found Alyssa in a room all wet "Hi", "Hi" i say, "What are you doing here?" Alyssa asks, "Why are you wet?" i ask, "I swim a bit and now i'm okay" Alyssa says i was almost crying "What.. what is wrong with you?" she asks, "The note you left a note" i say, "Yes?" she says, "You said to look after me" i respond, "I didn't mean forever" Alyssa says, "Thanks" i say, "I would never do it Henry" she says we hug and then she says "Sorry if i scared you".

After together with James and Maxine after scattering the ashes of James's father we go to eat something and we get some chips and we sit on a table above a mountain with a view of the city "I want to walk a bit" i say, "Me too" Alyssa says, "You want to come?" i ask to James and Maxine "No" James says, Alyssa and I walk a bit after she stops looking the city and starts to talk to me "I'm sorry for everything, for the breakup.. everything", "I'm sorry too" i say, "I still love you after all" she says, "Woah i-" i try to talk but i get interrupted "But i need more time and a psychological help" she says, "Okay" i respond, "and I owe my mother £10,000" Alyssa says, "Okay" i say, "But yes" she responds and then she takes my hand "I love you too" i say, "Yeah but don't go about it" she says, we share a kiss and we watch the city from the top.


After Henry and Alyssa go to walk, i talk to James "You have to scattering the ashes here", and then he looks worried "I was joking" i respond and i sit next to him, "I'm sorry that i say that you was the anwser at the car" he says, "I'm sorry if i was too mean" i respond, "Okay" he says, "I heard what you say at the depository" i say, "Wait you heard that?" he asks, "Yes" i respond and after some seconds of silence i talk "I feel the same way", "I love you Maxine" he says, "I love you too James" i smile and after we stay sit there i was thinking other things i have to do it, and i kiss him in his lips and he turned red "You got red like a tomato, huh?" i say, "What?" he laughs, i look at him our lips are close i can hear is breathe and we kiss and then i hug him watching the city from the top.


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