Episode 8

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It's night we were walking with dead body of the dog and we bury it on the beach and i start to go away "Hey Maxine where are you going?" James asks, "Walking you want to come with me?" I ask to him, "Okay" he says we walk and then we watch the sea at night together we're alone now and he looks to me and kiss me, i smile "I love you" i say, "I love you too" he responds, i kissed him and then we lay to the sand and start to make out and then we decide to lose virginity for the first time i know i was in love with him and he too nothing now can separe us anymore and then we sleep together in the sand hug each other, i feel protected and comfortable with him.


After we bury the dog, James and Maxine go for a walk and It was just me and Alyssa i look at her and kiss her and she kiss me back and then we lay in the sand still kissing and the do it for the first time when she stops "Hey i can tell you something?" Alyssa says to me, "Ok" i respond, "Do you mind waiting?" she says, "Okay" i say, "For a few days, okay?" Alyssa says, "Yes i give you all the time" I say to her and then we sleep in the beach and the next morning the sun is almost come out i wake up next to Alyssa, "What?" I ask to her, "No nothing... i had a brother incredible and maybe i have brothers all over the world because i know he travel maybe i have a fucking family in Vietman or something like this, i think i hate him more than my mother" she says, "Just like me i hate my parents too" I say, "And why" she asks to me, "Because I don't have good relations with them They always treated me badly and maybe they are going to divorce" i say.


After we sleep in the beach the next morning we wake up the sun is almost come out, "I can't believe" I say, "What?" James asks, "That we arrive here i didn't expect what would just be an escape from our lives to be worse than before" I respond, "I know" he says, "I'm asking what my parents are doing right now maybe they don't want to see or hear about me for sure, assholes" I say, "Even my dad too" he says, "Why did you hate your dad?" I ask to him, "Because my mother died and he no, my mother kills herself in front of me i was there and i didn't do anything." he responds.

Then we stay sit see the beach "What was your mother like?" I ask to him, "She was pretty and sad I think it was too much for her" he says, "James it wasn't your fault" i say reassure him and then we see Henry and Alyssa come back and they sit with us without saying anything it felt seemed to be on the edge of the world it was like we're safe but we weren't, "We can't say here" i say, "No we don't come back to home" Henry says, "We have to move on but for real like move to another country" Alyssa says, "Yes" James responds, "In a new place to start again, you guys want to do it too?" I ask to they, "Yes" they say, "With the boat of your father? We have to find the keys" Henry says.


We go back to Lonnie's trailer, we wake up him "Alyssa i was about to find you" he says, "No you didn't you kill a dog and you left me there" she says, "Yes but after.. wait a killed a dog oh shit" He says then laugh "Sorry i was drunk i was laugh because it's not a good thing", "Can we go out with your boat?" Alyssa asks to him, "What?" he says, "We want to go out with your boat" she says, "Now?" he asks, "Yes now" she responds, "Okay give me five minutes i go to the bathroom" Lonnie says, "You don't have to come too" I say, "Like what?" he asks, "We do by ourself James can drive we go back for lunch" Alyssa says, "Listen darling even are passed years i'm not born yesterday okay? what is the plan? Go to France? Find a work in Disneyland Paris? Change your names?" he says we stay in silence when he get up "Who did you kill?", "What?" Maxine says, "Your faces are on TV, On you there is a medal, Who did you kill? We are not trial in TV but i'm interested, c'mon what did you do?" Lonnie says and then Alyssa try to take the keys of the boat but Lonnie stops her "Hey let her go" I say push him away from her, "Okay listen to me we sit and we talk peacefully you are safe here, my word" Lonnie says, "Your word? is a guarantee" Alyssa says, "Shut your fucking mouth" Lonnie says, "Don't talk to her like that" I try to defending Alyssa, "So what are you going to do?" He says to me, I don't say anything not know how to respond "Okay i'm sorry.. sorry" Lonnie says to Alyssa, "I'm going to do some tea" but he says that is no milk for do the tea so he take cookies and sit close to Alyssa and try to convince her to tell what happened "How can i trust you?" she says, "C'mon darling i'm your father" he says, "Why didn't you tell me about your son?" she says to him, "Because i was embarassed his name is Milton and he have 8 years old i have to tell it to you can we restart again?" He asks to her, Alyssa was about to cry, "A man in the house" she starts to talk, "Alyssa no" i say her, "We killed him, he want to hurt me, he was bad so bad" she says in tears crying.

And then James with the phone and a gun says to the police that he killed the man and then close the call "You call the police", "What?" Maxine says, "What?" Alyssa says more shocked, "Listen Alyssa i do it for protect you" Lonnie says but then Alyssa take a knife and stab him in his foot and then a lady of the police comes.


After Alyssa stab his father a lady that claims that she is one of the police enter in the house, "She is..." I say, "Yes" she says to me and and James drops his gun and then the lady says that a police team is coming right here, "Listen guys we don't have a lot of time" she says, "What is happening?" I say in panic, "I want to help you" she says we try to escape but she block us "No i can't let you go you can't ran away forever you better hand me over and I'll help you We're gonna ask for preterite murder, okay?" she says, "Please go away" James says, "No you have to stop especially you James now you're 18" she says, "What you're 18?" I say to him, "Why didn't you say it to us?" Henry asks, "I would have given you a gift" i say to him, "I talk with your father yesterday he talked to me about your mother i see a photo of you three" she says, "He don't have a photo, he is angry to me?" he asks, "No he is worried, just like your parents" she says, "No" i say, "But yes, your stepfather is an asshole" she says to Alyssa, "Yes, how is going to end up if we do what she says?" Alyssa asks to her, "It won't be too bad if you listen" she says, "You sure don't tell balls They'll put you in a cage and bye bye" Lonnie says, "Mr. Foley is not true" she responds, "Yes that is don't trust her" He says, "And i have to trust you that you called the police" Alyssa says, "Yes because i want to protect you from they and your fucking boyfriend" he responds, "Did you really not do that for the reward? How much money is that?" Alyssa says, "Listen you didn't kill anybody" Lonnie says, "He is right" James responds, "What the fuck James is not true" I say to him, "I come with her I turn myself in" James says to the woman, "What the fuck James no" I say to him, "Alyssa my darling trust me you're just like your mother" Lonnie says, "What?" she says, "You choose shitty mens just like Henry" he says and Alyssa kick his foot "What is wrong with you?" he says, "A wrong thing i have is you. You don't give a shit about me" Alyssa says, "It's not true" he says, "If one makes people does not abandon him because the child feels guilty and guilty forever" she responds, "Do not victimize Alyssa is easy "I am anorexic because I was adopted, I cheat on women because mom did not breastfeed me" everyone has the reason for his way of being" Lonnie says, "And what was yours? Why he is asshole?" Henry defends Alyssa, "You're right i didn't search for you i was away and it's was better to forgive me" Lonnie says, "Why did you send me the birthdays letters?" Alyssa asks when she realizes that her mother sent the letters to her not his father, "It must have been her irresponsible" he says, "I'm going crazy, shut up your fucking mouth stop with bullshit" Alyssa shouts him, "We go to prison?" I ask to the woman, "Maybe" she says, "We go at the same place?" Alyssa asks, "No but" she says after being stopped, "No?" Alyssa asks, "No" she responds, "I'm sorry" Alyssa take the gun and hits her make her fainting, "Now give me the keys" Alyssa says and Lonnie give it to her we run away from the trailer.

We arrive at the beach and we see the police arrives we're close to get take by they, "Say to they that i kidnap you both" James says, "What" I say to him, "Yes say that i kidnap you and Alyssa and I forced Henry to do this even if he don't wanted for cover the murders i do so you'd all three be saved, "No we have to stay together" I say to him but then he grabs the gun "I'm sorry" he says and hits me, Henry and Alyssa and he escaped i try to follow him, i see Henry and Alyssa taked by the police i try to escape but they get faster and take me too i scream to James, "James what the fuck are doing.. JAMES" they are try to shot him i try to free myself but it was impossible, I started to realize that it was the end of everything we had lost forever and some seconds later that James was running then boom.

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