Episode 2

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While we are traveling to an unspecified destination we enjoy the freedom "You know what freedom perfume?" Alyssa asks, "No" I respond, "Cow shit" she says, "The belt" James says, "The fuck... so guys what do you want to do?" she asks, "I don't know" James says, "Because we can do everything we want everything." She says, "I know a place we can go" Maxine says take us to the lazerkill, me and Alyssa we play when Alyssa can hit me "You're so bad in this game" after this sentence we hear a voice speaker "Hey stop it" to James and Maxine.


I offered to go to the lazerkill and Henry and Alyssa liked the idea even though James thought he didn't "So are you moving or not? What the fuck are you doing?" I say to James, "I want you to put your tongue in my ear", "Why?" James asks, "I like it" i respond when James lick my ear a voice speaker says "Hey stop it", We all get kicked out of there, thanks to me that i was unique in annoying people and then we end up in a resturant eating "Luckily I smashed up my phone so my mom won't find me that bitch, your father did call the police?" Alyssa says, "What?" James says, "Yes for the car" I say, "No" he says, "Are you sure?" Henry says, "Yeah he thinks i'm go back to him, it's a dickhead but an optimist" James responded, "What?" Alyssa says, "What?" James says, "I like eat" she says, "Me too sis" i say and then i see James staring at me "What?" I say to him "Nothing" he says, "Guys you have money?" Henry asks, "Yes you're right" Alyssa says, "Why you don't have money?" James asks, "Yes but me and Henry we spent it playing" Alyssa responds, "And you Maxine?" James says, "No.. so we don't have money" I say, "I didn't have to pay for you, I did you a fucking favor, all right?" Alyssa says, "What do we do now?" Henry asks, "This is our meal at the bottom and there is also advanced at the bottom of yours at least, the only matter is that you should not cheat the local small or independent" Alyssa says, "Who says that?" Henry says, "My dad, He's just like Robin Hood who doesn't care about the law" Alyssa responds, "In places like this, they're all of that" she says, "Like what?" I ask, "But that one there, what you know controls oil, forces Chinese children to make cell phones and hate Palestine.. Are you a pussy?" Alyssa says to Henry, "No." he says and then James gets up and starts to go outside and then we leave without paying.

James drive the car and i'm sit next to him and Henry and Alyssa behind "Great.. the belt" I say, "Fuck the belt" James says, "You want to have sex with me?" I say, "What right now but Henry and Alyssa?" James says, "Don't worry about us, do you want to do sex with me?" Alyssa says to Henry, "Ok" he says shy and then after Alyssa and Henry are start to do it, "Take the shirt off" I say, "But i have to stop the car?" James asks, "No" i respond i take James' shirt off but suddenly we take a tree and the car breaks i start to laugh with Alyssa and even Henry a bit was laughing and James was desperate, outside of the car me, Alyssa, Henry and James without shirt we stare at the car don't know what to do "You think is going to explode?" James says, "We are not in a movie, c'mon" I say and the car suddenly exploded, "You want to go home?" James asks, "You want to go back home?" I say, "It's not a problem if you want to go back" Alyssa says, "I don't want to come back i ask you what you want to do" James says, "Because i don't want to go back home not me, not Alyssa and not Henry" I say, "But" James says, "Oh fuck at home i don't want to go back home" I say, "So what you want to do?" James says, "I don't know but for once you might have an idea" I say and then i walk away after the argue ends me, James, Henry and Alyssa we explore the forest and i start to admire James' body i don't know something strange is start to feel on me.


After I went through the forest I started talking to Alyssa and I was getting comfortable after we arrive in a street where James was hitchhiking "Why nobody stops?", Because you have tits in the wind only one crazy can give way to one that looks crazy and you look like you are in providence freedom" Maxine says and Alyssa starts talk to me "Damn it looks like they both got into a big argue", "I think yes" i respond and suddenly a car stops it's a man, then James turn around to us and Alyssa was like no, but James accepts and says to us "C'mon", "We have seriously to go in that car, if he is going to kill us?" Alyssa says to me, "C'mon" James says again, "we have no other choice" I respond and we go in the car where Maxine is already inside, "I swear if he kill us i'm mad like a beast" Alyssa says to James enter in the car and we go with the man, "and he sat in front" Alyssa says to me, "There's a sweater back there give it to your boyfriend so he puts it on" The man says to Maxine, "Who says that he is my boyfriend?" she responds and he laughs after she pass the shirt, the man says to Alyssa "Everything okay, dear?" she doesn't respond, "Your friend is okay?" he asks to James, "Yes she is okay" i say with a slightly defensive tone "Apparently you talk, i like you both are you dating?" the man says, "and even if it was?" Alyssa says, he laughs saying "I was just asking" and then James and the man talking about his dog he says that is mother died 

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