Episode 7

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"How did you know where we live?" I ask to Bonnie, "James says that to me yesterday" she says thanks James, Alyssa and I were embarrassed what we could tell a girl we dumped in a parking lot "You want a cupcake?" Alyssa asks to her, "Yes" she says and Alyssa after take the cupcake asks to me "Can you give me some water?", "Yes" i say, "And some ice?" Bonnie says, "We don't have ice" i respond, Alyssa and I bring her food and sit next to her "We left you there sorry" Alyssa says, "Is everything okay" Bonnie responds, "No it's not" i say, "It's a bitch thing I gotta say, but for me it's a bad time" Alyssa says, "And even for me" i speak, "Don't worry now you apologize" Bonnie says, "Yes" we respond, "You see your sister?" Alyssa asks, "No" she responds, "You have any problem?" i ask but then a woman named Jerry exit from the bathroom and continue to eat she is the only person remain in the cafe and we see Bonnie taking a pill and eating it "Are you okay?" we ask, "Yes i'm okay" Bonnie responds and she asks "Where are James and Henry?", "They are away" i respond, "Where?" she asks, "I don't know i only know that they are not here" Alyssa responds, "You can call them" she says, "Why?" i ask, "For come here" she responds, "And why they have to come here?" Alyssa asks, "Can you tell us what happen?" i ask, "I'll come for that" Bonnie says referring at the veil, "I'm divorcing so i don't need it anymore" Alyssa says and Alyssa and I see James and Henry sneaking out of the bathroom door going into the kitchen but Bonnie doesn't notice "I wanted to see you four" Bonnie says, "Why?" I ask and Bonnie pull out a gun saying "You know my man", "What?" Alyssa says, "Yes you killed him" Bonnie says and then i remember that we kill the teacher Clive and then after Jerry leaves only me, Alyssa, Bonnie remain here with James and Henry hide here and then i remember the bullets with our names there "The bullets are yours?" i ask, "Yes have you scared?" she responds, "A bit" we respond, "You mispronunced my name" Alyssa says, "What? Why kill him?" she says, "You don't know?" i ask, "I want you both to talk" she says, "He was going to hurt me" Alyssa says, "It's a lie" Bonnie speaks, "It's not a lie" Alyssa responds, "Tell me what did you do, c'mon" Bonnie says, "We enter in his house" I say, "What house?" Bonnie asks, "You know who" I respond, "Say it" she says, "The teacher Clive we enter in his house" I say, "And why you enter there?" she asks, "We were 17, we drank vodka, then wine, and then we ate something, heard records, and then I went to bed" Alyssa says, "And then?" she asks, "I wake up and he returned at home and i see him enter in the bedroom.. close the door.." Alyssa says, "In his bedroom what he looked like?" Bonnie asks tearing, "What?" I say, "Nothing and later?" she says, "He asked me if i was virgin and he slapped me" Alyssa responds, "Shut up" Bonnie says, "He tried to hold me down to come over me" Alyssa says, "I say shut up" Bonnie shouts, "You asked me to tell it" she responds and then we see a car coming is the police i was scared i through that this are my last moments of my life.

And a police officer enters "Hi", "Hi" Alyssa and i say, "Is everything okay?" he says, "Yes" we say nervous, "We receive an emergency call from here was that yours?" he asks, "No" we respond, "So it was just a misunderstanding, there's just the three of you in here?" he asks, "Yes" i say, "Do you mind if i take a look around?" he asks, "Okay" Alyssa responds and then after the police officer check around he sit and ask for a applepie and after Alyssa and i give the applepie he says "Be careful in these days you know about the homicide?" The police officer asks, "What homicide?" i ask, "The guy of the motel a hour from here" he responds and i realized that the noise that i hear when i was kissing James was Bonnie that killed the guy, "What happened?" Alyssa asks, "I can't say that but he was shooted at the face and then take him away, maybe this is why they call us here" he responds, "What?" Bonnie asks, "Well we always get a lot of hoaxes after a murder, some dumb kids they call" he responds, "Yes" Bonnie says and then after the police officer leaves the cafe i throught that the end of my life is coming now and Bonnie pointing the gun she tells us to close the door and after we close it i ask to her "You killed him? The guy of the motel?", "Yes" she says, "What" Alyssa says, "Where are Henry and James?" Bonnie asks, "We don't know" Alyssa says and then we hear a noise from the kitchen and Bonnie find Henry and James there.


After we followed Bonnie and tried to get into the cafe to protect Alyssa and Maxine, in the end she caught us I wanted to kill the shame of how me and James got caught and all four of us sit with Bonnie standing in front of us with the gun "Incredible" Alyssa says, "I'm sorry" i say to her, "See you are liar" Bonnie says, "I discovered there a bit ago" Alyssa says, "And why don't tell me?" she says, "I wanted to protect him and James" Alyssa responds, "And now?" Maxine asks, "I'll shoot you all four" Bonnie says, "And why now?" James asks, "For a reason" she says, "And what reason?" I ask, "I wanted to talk to you first" Bonnie says, "And why?" Alyssa asks, "To hear it from you, how did it go?" she asks, "He was going to rape me and James stabbed him, what else is there to say?" Alyssa responds, "Can't you tell the truth?" she shouts, "But this is the true" i shout, "no you four were waiting for him you broke in and you were-" Bonnie gets interrupted by Alyssa "this is all bullshit", "Alyssa" i say, "But it's true there were other women I guess you'll know" Alyssa says, "It was never prove it" Bonnie says, "But there were plenty of them, and there was also a video of the pictures we saw" Maxine says, "You are wrong he only loves me" Bonnie says, "Maybe he had a plan, maybe for you goes good" Alyssa says and then she points to us a gun "No he loved me and you take him away, you killed him" Bonnie says in tears, "No i killed him please let they go" James says, "No fuck it James stop save us" Maxine responds, "Yes we killed him" Alyssa says, "And then you must be punished, people are supposted to get punished" Bonnie says, "You think we weren't? I'm always in that house, in that room, i can't get out, maybe i do things that i shouldn't have done but i don't deserve it" Alyssa says, "Please Bonnie we didn't want that this happened" I say, "We don't say sorry you want to kill us and we understand, but then what happens, what happens to you?" Alyssa says.

Then Bonnie stays in silence "Bonnie" Alyssa says, "What do I do? What i do with all pain?" Bonnie says crying, "I don't know" Alyssa says, "Okay" she says and she's pointing her gun at herself, but we can stop her in time and take her gun before she takes her life "I'm so tired" Bonnie says crying and then we hear the police arrives here "Is everything okay?" i ask to Alyssa, "Yes" she says and we hug.

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