Episode 5

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Damn it was so weird waking up in a bathtub, but I didn't care about that I only had one person in my head, Alyssa. we kissed last night she was coming back to me after a long time, I leave the bathroom Alyssa is not there and I find her ringing the bell calling the guy last night "Good morning" I say, "Hi" she responds, "You look good" i say, "Thanks, the guy of the last night is not here" she says, "James and Maxine?" I ask, "I don't know maybe they are sleeping or doing sex" she says.


I wake up in the morning i felt weird i notice James is awake, i felt a deja vu a beautiful deja vu when i remember the first night that we escape and go to a motel "Good morning" he says smiling, "Good morning" i smile too then we exit from our room "Shall we go see what Bonnie's doing?" James says, "Yes, you think that Henry and Alyssa are still sleeping?" i ask, "Maybe" he responds we arrive at Bonnie's room door "Bonnie are you okay?" James asks to her, "Yes i'm not dressed yet" she says, "Okay they are arriving for the car" James says and then she opens the door "Already?" she asks, "Yes and we leave in a hurry" he responds, "Okay" Bonnie says, "I'm sorry to ask, but do you have any money for the car? I'll give it back" James says before Bonnie close the door straight in the face, "You think she is alone?" James asks to me, "Oh my god she had sex with that strange guy" I respond, "What?" he laughs, "The asshole of last night" I say and then Bonnie opens the door again and give James the money and the moment James starts to talk to her again she close the door again straight in the face and then i start to laugh "Why are you laughing like that?" he asks, "Because it was so funny" I respond we are both smiling when then suddenly my smile fades away go back to reality and i go away.

Then we reunite with Henry and Alyssa at the car with the mechanics and waiting for Bonnie and then with say everything about what happen with her "And why she had to do sex with that strange guy?" Henry asks to us, "Her boyfriend dies and will have little self-esteem do you bullshit when you are not stuck with yourself" Alyssa responds, "Someone is against you? Someone made a cut" The mechanic says, "Maybe that of the warehouse" James says, "Or Bonnie" Alyssa says, "What?" Henry asks, "I was joking" she responds and then we get in the car with Bonnie and she starts to talk about her sister "You never told to us" James says, "You didn't ask for it" she says, "And where she lives?" Alyssa asks, "About 20 minutes" she responds, "Sleep well?" James asks to her "Yes" she responds, "We know what you do last night" Alyssa says laughs "Alyssa please" Henry laughs, "What?" Bonnie says, "That man of the motel" i respond, "He offers me to drink" she says, "And later?" Alyssa asks, "We don't judge you if you do sex with him" I respond to Bonnie, "None of your business We all do things we regret" Alyssa says and then we stop the car and Bonnie exit from the car throwing up.


"Gross" i say, "She must have really drunk tonight" Alyssa says, "Yes really drunk" Maxine says, "Talking about tonight" i look at Alyssa, "What?" she says, "how are you feeling?" i say, "I feel like i'm watch a stranger throw up into a ditch" she says, "In fact yes" i say, "How much time is spending there?" Alyssa says exhausted, "Are we in a hurry?" Maxine says, "Yes we have to re-enter we both" Alyssa says, "Yes you right" she responds, "What?" I say, "Yes" Alyssa and Maxine says, "Well we wait she helped us with the car and everything" James says, "Yes but i want her to hurry" Alyssa says and after she finish she returns in the car and say that she have to go in pharmacy, we are exhausted about Bonnie and then after we arrive she gets out of the car and go inside of the pharmacy and then James have to take money for Bonnie "I get out take the money" He says, "I come with you" Maxine responds, "What?" he says, "I want to take a walk" she says getting out of the car.

Then only me and Alyssa are in the James' car "Don't you find strange the fact she had a sister now? For me is weird she can go to her last night i mean-" I say before getting interrupted by Alyssa "Henry she is weird and do weird things but i don't care" she responds we stay in silence almost all the time "Why did you break up with me before you move away?" I ask to her, "What?" she says, "You know" i say, "Because i was about to move on from the town" she says, "We could stay in contact whenever we wanted with phones" i say, "Listen i don't wanna talk about that okay?" Alyssa responds aggressively.


Me and James after we take the money and then when i start to return in the car she stops me "What?" i say, "What Bonnie is doing inside?" James asks after he see that Henry and Alyssa are still in the car, "Go check" i respond, "Maybe she is having privacy" he responds, "It's there from a century ago" i say, "must dispose of, maybe she is eating a little cake" he says, "In a pharmacy?" i say, "yes the diet ones made with plums, seeds and etc" he says after i interrupt him "Go see what she is doing or not?" I say a bit angry, "Why are you not kind like before?" he says going away i was start thinking maybe i'm seriously the problem like James says in the letter i start to remember it that he left me for no reason or he left me because i'm the problem? and then after i wait in the car with Henry and Alyssa, James and Bonnie return and she needs to eat so we go in a resturant, the atmosphere was so cold James is try to take the atmosphere less cold "Seriously James?" I say then i get up go to the bathroom after awhile Alyssa enter to the bathroom too give me the money "Go order takeout and take it by car", i know that Alyssa was exhausted and i buy it because i want to go back home and not stay behind Bonnie.. and James.. and then i take the food and i see James following me "Maxine what is happening?" he says, "Nothing is happening" i respond pissed off, "Why you kissed me?" he says, "What?" i say, "Did you feel sorry for me?" James says, "No James and i don't wanna talk about that" i say angry, "For everything that happen to me" he says, "no James is not all about you" i say, "Yes because is all about you, you can't kiss me and then treat me badly is so confusing" he says, "Are you 12 years old? you broke up with me James, you broke up with me with a letter as one of 1800s" i say, "No it didn't go like that" he says, "No?" i say, "Yes is true but i didn't want that your mom" he says, "What?" i say, "She comes to the hospital and she wanted me to write that letter" he says, "That fucking bitch" i shout in angry enter in the car.


We are eating when Alyssa and Maxine are order a takeout for Bonnie, after Maxine exit from the restaurant with James,  i stop Alyssa "What is happening?", "Nothing is happening i'm tired of that bitch" Alyssa says referring to Bonnie, "What do you have?" i say, "What?" she says, "is that you're not the Alyssa I knew two years ago" I say, "Look, Henry, people change, you can't expect the people you met a couple of years ago to be the same now" she says pissed, "I know, but you've changed a lot since the events at the beach, you left me for no reason, you kissed me, and now you treat me like hell without even giving an explanation" I say, "Because i suffer, what you think it's easy for me to live through this?" She says, "No, it's not easy even for me, i suffer too" i respond, "It's not a competition" she says, "I never say that it's a competition but if you had suffered you could come to me and I helped you and we could talk about it and get over it together, if you had done it by now we wouldn't be fighting and maybe we'd still be together even if you moved away" i say, "I'm sorry for that but sadly it ended worse" she says.


In the car i was with James in silence "What?" i ask to him, "You can let me say sorry?" he asks, "Okay, i said okay do it say sorry and i say it's fine, it's that you want, right?" i say, "No" he says, "You don't have to talk it's just that" i respond, "You are not the only one, i suffer too" James says, "It's not a race" i say, "I nearly died" he says, "No apparently it is" i say, "I NEARLY DIED" he shouts it's the first time i hear him so angry, "I know i was there that day, but i'm not the answer." i respond after this sentence was over between us, then Henry and Alyssa get to the car don't talking and then James starts the car, "Yes but Bonnie?" i say, "Fuck her" he says and we go away left her there.

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