Episode 2

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I'm Maxine again, I'm 19. I caught the social service together with Henry and Alyssa but nothing is compared to school the three of us became fucking celebrity obviously it was something I expected since what happened you become another person even in your eyes you can not go back Alyssa had to leave town and live somewhere else and so I lose the only friend I had, It was just me and Henry, then a few months later I quarreled with my parents after the events at the beach had become even more aggressive with me as if they were not already before and it was a violent fight so I went home but this time also they agreed no longer want to hear me or see me so much By now I was over 18 so goodbye forever ugly dickheads, so I called Alyssa and asked her if I could live with her, her aunt Leigh accepted it so now for Alyssa I became like her sister our friendship become more strong that now we're best friends, In the end his aunt Leigh gives us a job to keep us busy and in this there is something ironic remembering the time that Alyssa and I treated badly that lady of the diner and the infamous Marvin. Then Alyssa knows a guy named Todd and after they date they want to marry i was really happy for her and one day Alyssa and I get in the mail two ammo with our names on it was creepy but in the end we decide to throw them in the basket then we see a red car near the bar but we do not pay much attention but we realize that someone was more or less watching from that car while I go to throw the garbage in the garbage and Alyssa to throw the water in the grass we see that the red car is always there us two tired we decide to head there angry and annoyed the car was trying to go away but without success we open the door and we see two guys "Who are you?" I ask to them, "Henry.. James.." Alyssa and I says in shock.


I'm Henry. I'm 19. after I took the social service along with Maxine and Alyssa life became a total shit but really fucking, at school everyone just talk about us and what happened, my relationship with Alyssa was going not bad anymore, So much so that in the end before we left in another place we broke up, I cried every night and I suffered from this the only person I loved left, then Maxine left too so I was the only one alone.
I couldn't see James but I saw him after the trial where James was acquitted in self-defense and after I spent months in my room without leaving you hear someone at the doorbell was James "Hi" he says, "Hi James why you are here?" I ask to him, "I have to see Maxine where is she?" he asks to me, "Now she lives with Alyssa" I respond and then he asks me where Alyssa lives before i talk, the delivery man comes home to deliver the envelopes and I find a ammunition with my name on it, James says that he also received it so I invent an excuse to my parents saying that I go to sleep at a friend's house for a few days and so James and I leave where Maxine and Alyssa are also because I wanted to clarify with Alyssa I did not like how things ended and I feel the same way about Maxine. 

Hell we got there I was excited to see someone after a long time is beautiful but a guy approaches Alyssa kissing and hugging her, I run into James' car watering realizing that she already had a new boyfriend and as if that wasn't enough I found out that she was going to get married so James and I decide to stay all day in the car I watch Alyssa and he Maxine then towards evening I see angry that are about to head for us, James tries to march with the car but fails and Maxine and Alyssa with great surprise see us, "Oh my god" Alyssa says, "Hi" we say, "But what the fuck" they respond.

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